The Song of Mystery

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A child named Arthur is in the living room watching a cartoon show while Daphne babysits him.

Mr. Gabodoglophordia: Broccoli Head!

Broccoli Head: You wanted to see me, sir?

Mr. Gabodoglophordia: Deliver these packages right away.

Broccoli Head: Yes, Mr.Glubofunny. Mr. Covighheim.

Mr. Gabodoglophordia: Gabodoglophordia. How many times I gotta tell ya? Gabodoglophordia!

Broccoli Head: Gablo...

He starts to babble as Arthur laughs until Daphne turns off the TV.

Arthur: Huh?

Daphne: Bedtime, Arthur.

They both go to Arthur's bedroom and Daphne tucks him into bed.

Arthur: Nighty-night, Daphne. You're the bestest babysitter ever.

Daphne turns off the light as a silhouette watches the house and brings out a pan flute as Arthur hears it. Daphne hears it as well.

Daphne: That's odd. Who'd be playing a pan flute? At this hour?

Daphne looks at the window and sees a short and thin boy with wild white hair and red eyes. He wears a monstrous gold and blue colored Mayan mask and a patterned poncho over his mostly mummified blue-pale body. He also had black claw-like nails. A noise is heard in Arthur's room and Daphne goes up to see Arthur out of bed.

Daphne: Arthur, are you alright?

He turns and Daphne sees Arthur has become a monster with sharp teeth and glowing green eyes. Arthur tries to attack Daphne, but she tries to go out the door, but it is locked so she opens a window and jumps out as Arthur closes the window. Daphne looks at the monster who was playing the pan flute and he disappears. 

The next morning Daphne and the others were in the Mystery Machine driving to school.

Daphne: I just can't understand what got into Arthur last night. One second, he's as sweet as can be and the next, he's trying to kill me.

Fred: Maybe he had too much sugar.

Y/N: Sugar does not make you wanna kill someone, Fred.

Daphne: And it does not make you grow fangs.

Shaggy: Ha, ha, ha! Good! 'Cause if there's one thing, I love it's sugar.

Scooby: Me too.

Shaggy and Scooby both eat donuts.

Scooby: Delicious.

Shaggy: Like you said it, Scoob. Delicious.

Velma: Shaggy, you promised me you weren't going to use the word like so much. It makes you sound ignorant.

Scooby: Huh?

Shaggy: Oh, right. Like, um, I forgot.

Velma looks at him.

Shaggy: Oh. Sorry.

Daphne: We're only a few blocks from Arthur's house. Can we stop and see how he's doing?

Fred: Sure. We're not gonna miss anything at school. Oh, wait. I forgot about civics class. I'm flunking out. Coach says if I don't pass, I'm off the team.

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