Dance of The Undead

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Krissy Kristy, a TV music news reporter, is broadcasting live from the spot where music group Rude Boy and the Ska-Tastics died in a plane crash thirty years prior. She began interviewing former Ska-Tastics' manager Ian Hope.

Krissy: Set, Krissy Kristy here with your music news report. Holla! I'm standing on the very spot where one-hit wonders Rude Boy and the Ska-tastics totally ate it thirty years ago in a gnarly plane crash.

She shows the camera a picture of Rude Boy and the Ska-Tastics.

Krissy: See? That's them, like, from before they were dead. And this oldy oldster is Ian Hope. Mr. Hope, you were the Ska-tastics' manager. Tell us, what went down on that tragic night?

Ian: I remember it like it was thirty years ago. It was voodoo. Rude Boy and the Ska-tastics were cursed. Cursed to plummet to their doom on that fateful night. The night that ska died.

A zombified hand grabs Krissy's leg as Rude Boy and the Ska-Tastics come back from the dead as zombies, attack Krissy and Ian. Shaggy and Scooby, watching at home, freak out when they see the broadcast signal cut out during the attack.

The next morning, the gang was at Grooves from the Grave investigating what happened last night.

Shaggy: Like, does every bit of scary news have to be followed up by an immediate "Let's go investigate"?

All: Yes.

Martha Quinn comes over.

Martha: Welcome to Grooves from the Grave. I'm Martha Quinn, owner and proprietor. Can I interest any of you in a third-generation bootleg of Scrooty Palidies' forgotten Christmas album?

Daphne: No, thank you.

Martha: It was recorded in Esperanto.

Velma: We were wondering if you could help us.

Fred: Have you ever heard of a band named Rude Boy and the Ska-tastics?

Martha: Heard of them? You're kidding me. I have every record they ever released right here in the store. Of course, they only released one. Their biggest and only hit, "Graveyard Ska, Inc."

Martha plays it.

Velma: Jinkies. That is catchy.

Martha: Hang on. I've prepared a slideshow on every music group from the last sixty years. Rude Boy and the Ska-tastics. Poor Rude Boy could never quite ride the fame train the way he wanted, so it's said that he turned to voodoo magic to further his career. He cast love spells on the audience. He cursed other bands. Once, he even cast an enchantment of never-ending pain on a synthesizer. Real crazy stuff. Rude Boy always said he would come back from the grave. And now, it looks like he has.

Shaggy: Zoinks!

Scooby: Doesn't anybody ever stay dead around here?

Y/N: Apparently not.

Night came and at the Tiki Tub a woman was singing.

Woman: If my lips could only say the pretty words that I feel in my heart if my voice could make the sound I would tell you how I love you and we'd never be apart love was just one look into your face my mind starts to drift right into space and the words get stuck in my throat, the words get stuck in my throat.

Suddenly smoke appears and the zombies grab the woman and pull her into the ground as Rude Boy and the Ska-Tastics appear.

Rude Boy: one, two, three, four!

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