A Haunting In Crystal Cove

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One night, Mayor Jones is examining a piece of Planispheric disc that he keeps in a safe above his bed. Suddenly there is someone outside of his door.

Mayor Jones: Huh? Hello? Is someone there? Oh, cartwheeling kitchen camels! Fred, if you've snuck in here again to conserve body heat by lying across my legs.

The door opens and no one is there.

Mayor Jones: Fred?

The bed gets lifted and it shakes and throws Mayor Jones off. Mayor Jones grabs his glasses and sees the shadowy figure.

Mayor Jones: You! No! Not again!

He backs up as the figure approaches. In Fred's room he was sleeping when he heard Mayor Jone scream.

Fred: Santa? Wait, no, dad!

Fred gets up and runs towards his dad's room as they bump into each other. Mayor Jones gets up.

Mayor Jones: I've gotta get out of here!

He runs downstairs.

Mayor Jones: Let me go!

Fred: But, dad, what's happened?

He then hears laughing in Mayor Jones room and sees the shadowy figure closing the door. 

The gang was at school as Y/N and Daphne held hands as Fred spoke.

Fred: Gang, there's something wrong with my dad. Every day for two weeks now, he runs screaming down the hall and ends up sleeping in the yard. Is that normal?

Velma: For your dad? Probably.

Daphne: My mom was doing that for a while. But it just turned out to be really bad gas, according to the men who took her away.

Shaggy: I hear that. Like, a couple of late night jalapeno-stuffed clam poppers and it's another all-nighter on the porcelain!

Scooby: Raggy, please!

The bell rings.

Shaggy: Dude, Fred, if you want, Scooby and me could sleep over tonight.

Velma: And my mom has a whole section of herbal sleep remedies at her shop. We could stop by after school.

Fred: Oh, I'd really appreciate that. Thanks, gang. See you after class.

He walks off as Y/N looks at Daphne and Velma.

Y/N: Daphne, Velma quick question. When you dated Fred and Shaggy have, they been well... obsessive?

Daphne: With traps, yes.

Velma: Food, yes.

Y/N: No, I mean obsessive with us. Like, have they ever had trust issues?

Velma: He dumped me for a dog. A dog! Then he started acting all, "I want you, Velma" again before I sent him back to his dog.

Daphne: He dumped me for his traps.

Velma: So, yeah, there were a few trust issues. Why?

Y/N: It's best if I show you.

Y/N opens Fred's locker, and a long list falls out of his locker.

Y/N: This is literally his schedule and that's only today. Part one of twelve! He is literally losing it.

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