The Horrible Herd

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The farmer who had Scooby locked up is on the porch with his wife as they drink lemonade.

Wife: How's the lemonade? Honey, the lemonade?

Farmer: Oh, what do you want me to say? Tastes like lemonade. Why are you always sniffing around for validation? I'm drinking it, ain't I?

Wife: Hmph!

The wife drinks her lemonade as the farmer heard a sound.

Farmer: Shh! Shh!

Wife: Don't you shush me. I was-

Farmer: No. Shush, shush.

Wife: Huh?

Farmer: Something's out there.

They hear mooing.

Wife: Sounds like the cows are restless.

Farmer: Martha, we ain't run cattle on this farm for 25 years.

Suddenly the lights shut off.

Wife: Huh?

Farmer: What? What happened to the lights?

The farmer picks up a flashlight and sees a horde of skeletal cows.

Farmer: Either your sisters just showed up, or these are the ugliest cows I ever seen.

Wife: It's some kind of horrible herd.

The cows' charges in.

Farmer: Run!

The farmer picks up his wife and runs as the cows eat their farmhouse as the farmer and his wife climb up the Seed Bin.

Farmer: Climb, Martha. Climb for your life.

The cows approach them.

At The Bloody Stake, a waitress serves Scooby and Nova a plate of Scraps from the Grave.

Waitress: Here you go. This is the last plate of our world famous floor scraps from the grave. Enjoy.

Scooby: Here, Nova, my love. I want you to have the first bite.

She eats the food.

Scooby: Hee, hee, hee. I just love the way you consume.

At another table, Y/N was holding Daphne close as she rested her head on his shoulder as Fred examined the pistol.

Shaggy: So, like, I don't understand. The Planispheric Disk led us to dig up this crazy old flintlock. Does that mean this is the treasure?

Velma: No. It might be worth a little something as an antique, but the cursed treasure of Crystal Cove is supposed to be immense beyond all imagining.

Daphne: Like love.

Y/N and Daphne smile at each other.

Waitress: Here's your cheese platter of the forever undead. It's all we had left.

Y/N: One of the perks of me being a past employee is that we get a discount.

Daphne sniffs the cheese.

Daphne: Excuse me, but this Port Salut is not from Brittany. And this Cotswold Double Gloucester is well past its prime.

Waitress: Sorry, but we're out of food. In fact, we're down to selling food from the dumpsters of other restaurants.

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