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As Cassiopeia walked through the corridors towards her dormitory, she was startled by a strange noise echoing down the hallway. It was a chilling sound, whispered in a sinister and distorted manner.

"Come... To... Me... Let me rip you, let me tear you... Let me kill you," the words reverberated menacingly. Cassi couldn't quite explain what it was, but it felt like the sound was slithering through the walls, creating a sense of anguish in the air.

"I smell blood... Let me shred you, let me kill you, kill..."

Cassiopeia heard it again as she followed the trail ,she approached cautiously, guided by the disturbing sound.

Suddenly, her footsteps collided with Harry Potter's, causing them both to awkwardly fall to the ground.

Surprise and fear reflected in their eyes as they recovered from the impact.

"Cassi, sorry about that," Harry said, still trying to regain his footing.

"You heard it too, didn't you?" Cassi asked, her voice trembling.

"The voice in the walls? Yes," Harry confirmed, his eyes meeting hers with a mixture of unease and curiosity.

As they got up, Hermione and Ron suddenly appeared, their expressions displaying confusion and concern.

"Harry, Cassi, what's going on?" Hermione called out, quickly approaching.

"You heard it too?" Harry asked, seeking support from his friends.

"Hear what?" Ron inquired, a look of bewilderment on his face.

"The voice... in the walls," Cassi replied, her voice laden with tension.

Confusion settled for a moment until they all realized that something terribly wrong was happening at Hogwarts. The sibilant and threatening voice continued to echo, as if it were moving, drawing nearer and nearer.

"I first heard it in Lockhart's office, and then again," Harry revealed, his eyes displaying a mixture of fear and determination.

"And I heard it while walking through the corridors," Cassi added, looking at her friends with an apprehensive expression.

A heavy silence hung over the group, interrupted only by the malevolent whispers permeating the air. It was a sound that invaded their thoughts and awakened a sense of pure horror.

"I think... it's going to kill," Cassi whispered, her face pale with fear at the terrifying prospect.

"KILL?" Hermione exclaimed, her countenance reflecting the panic that gripped them all.

Harry stepped forward, driven by a mix of curiosity and bravery, with Cassiopeia closely

Hermione following, shouting for them not to be so hasty.

"Harry, Cassi, WAIT, don't go so fast!" Hermione cried out, trying to catch up to them.
The two abruptly stopped when they came upon a wet corridor ahead. What caught their attention, however, was the disturbing sight of an infestation of spiders climbing up the walls and fleeing out the window, as if escaping some imminent danger.

"This is strange, I've never seen spiders behave like this," Harry commented, perplexed by the unusual behavior of the arachnids.

"This happens when there's a larger predator nearby," Cassiopeia explained, well acquainted with the world of magical creatures.
Cassi's words were interrupted by Ron's mournful lament. "I don't like spiders," he said, his eyes welling up with tears.

"Guys..." Cassi choked, looking bewildered ahead.

" Cassi choked, looking bewildered ahead

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