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Cassiopeia woke up excited. Narcissa would finally show her the greenhouse, and despite the snow covering everything outside, the place seemed to perfectly protect the flowers within.


The place was breathtaking, and surprisingly, it had a pleasant climate unlike the cold outside. As soon as she entered, a festival of vibrant colors surrounded her, accompanied by captivating scents.

While Cassiopeia explored, her eyes fixated on a special section dedicated to poisonous plants. Deep purple belladonnas caught her attention with their tempting yet deadly berries. Among these dangerous plants, Cassi became enchanted with a magical Narcissus. Its pearly stem gently shimmered in the light, and its center seemed filled with glistening pearls. She couldn't resist the temptation to run her fingers gently around the stem, feeling the smooth texture of the petals. So different from Madame Sprout's loud Narcissi.

"Narcissa, they are beautiful..." Cassi gasped as she ran her fingers gently around the stem. "Nothing like Madame Sprout's loud Narcissi," she commented playfully.

Narcissa openly laughed, her gloves elegantly positioned on her hands. It was almost a crime to see someone so immaculate while digging in the soil, but it was clear that Narcissa did it with mastery and control.

"These are French Narcissi. I've been growing them for years," she commented as she skillfully and delicately transferred a crystal tulip from one pot to another.

Cassiopeia approached to observe better, fascinated by the woman's skillful hands working the soil.

Those hands around my neck...

She sighed, and suddenly, Narcissa laughed, raising an eyebrow.

"What's going through your mind, love?" she asked with a brief smile, her expression inscrutable.

You, as always

However, instead, she replied, "Can I help?"

Narcissa seemed about to say something, but then she bit her lower lip and nodded. There was a spark of anticipation in her gaze.

They worked in silence for a while, exchanging glances and smiles. Cassi found herself enchanted by Narcissa's company, feeling at peace. Furtively, she stole glances whenever she thought the woman was distracted, admiring her strong jawline, striking features, her lips...

Oh, Merlin.

So absorbed was she in admiring the older woman that Cassi didn't notice when she grabbed a thorny rose until her index finger was bleeding.

"Darling, be careful," exclaimed Narcissa, holding her hand to check the damage. She watched attentively as the finger bled right in front of her face. Then, her eyes met Cassiopeia's before she brought the finger toward her lips.

Cassi gasped in surprise, her breath catching as she watched the woman suck her finger. But then, Narcissa ran her tongue gently along it, and Cassi swore she could faint right there. Her eyes closed involuntarily, her mind flooded with obscene thoughts...


Narcissa released the finger with a pop, displaying a satisfied smile on her face. Her eyes were darker, the pupils completely dilated.

"You'll be fine," she said simply, her voice serene, while Cassi struggled to regain her composure.

"Of course," she whispered with a squeaky voice, feeling a certain wetness between her legs.


After dinner, Cassiopeia found Draco looking very bored, throwing a ball against the bedroom wall and catching it repeatedly. Concerned, she asked, "What's wrong, ferret?"

"Boredom," he simply replied. "I bet Potter must be having fun, doing who knows what..." he added with a frown.

Cassiopeia held back a laugh, biting her lips. "I never understood your grudge against Harry," she said, sitting on the bed next to her friend.

Draco looked at her as if she were stupid. "It's the Saint Potter!" he dramatically exclaimed. "Everyone loves him just for breathing."

Cassi raised an eyebrow. "Everyone? So do you too?" she inquired intrigued.

Draco didn't answer.

"Want to play Wizard's Chess?" He asked, changing the subject.


In the afternoon, Cassiopeia rceived two letters: Hermione, and another one from Fleur.

Hermione told her she was spending Christmas at Grimmauld Place, and that Mr. Weasley was recovering well. She mentioned that Sirius constantly bothered tem, saying he missed his niece. Tonks was also present, along with Andromeda and Ted. Apparently, Andromeda also showed great interest when she found out that Cassi was with the Malfoys.

Hermione explained that she was making more hats for Hogwarts house-elves, something Cassiopeia vehemently disapproved of. Her friend was hiding the clothes, hoping the elves would find them and be freed, even if it went against their will. At least Hermione felt ashamed of her actions.

As for Fleur... Oh, Fleur was completely in love. She and Bill Weasley were dating and made an adorable couple. Cassiopeia finished a letter back to the Frenchwoman when Narcissa entered the room.

"Oh, dear. I came to invite you for tea with me in the library," she smiled sweetly.

"Just a minute," Cassi replied, smiling as she finished sealing the parchment of the letter. "Can I use your owl?" she asked, waving the envelopes in the air.

"I'll do that for you. Don't worry," Narcissa said simply, extending her hand.

Cassiopeia noticed the brief change in Narcissa's expression as she saw the names written on the envelopes-her smile faltered, and her eyes gleamed cruelly. But Cassi decided not to comment. She handed over the envelopes and got up from the bed.

"Shall we?" Narcissa asked, returning to her graceful demeanor with a smile.

"We shall," Cassi replied with a smile, following her towards the library. She wondered what might have caused that fleeting emotion in the older woman's eyes but decided to save her questions for another time.

HP • 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤  ─  𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐒𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐱 𝐎𝐂Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz