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As days passed, Cassie became increasingly anxious about the cursed transportation cabinet. She and Draco had conducted the first test with a living being, and the result was catastrophic. More adjustments were needed.

She was also extremely disturbed when she learned from Kreacher that Narcissa was spending more hours in her potions room than she should, often forgetting to eat. Cassi instructed Kreacher to take care of Narcissa, ensuring she didn't skip any meals. Kreacher provided weekly updates and always expressed his happiness in serving Cassie and looking after Narcissa.

Kreacher appeared healthier. Well-dressed, he took care of his attire. It was a much more pleasant sight.

Cassi persuaded Draco to set up more frequent guards when they went to the Room of Requirement. She stole an entire batch of Polyjuice Potion and made Crabbe and Goyle take it each time they needed to stand watch. The boys weren't thrilled about being forced into a feminine transformation, but they were too dense to question it.

She noticed that Dobby was spying, and although she found the elf adorable, he was essentially Harry's lackey. She didn't tell Draco about this to avoid further complications. However, she may or may not have convinced Peeves to cause more than one distraction to deceive the elf. Given Peeves' affinity for chaos, he was more than willing.

Cassi had just sent another small bird into the cabinet for testing when a shrill noise was heard from outside the room. This was the signal that they couldn't exit through that door. They had to circle the room to throw off whoever was on the other side.

"Cassie?" She turned abruptly, and there, to her absolute astonishment, was Tonks walking toward her as if she regularly frequented that corridor.

"What are you doing here?" Cassiopeia asked, excitedly rushing to hug her.

Draco stood stunned as he observed.

"I came to see Dumbledore."

Cassiopeia paused to assess her. She looked awful-thinner than usual, bags under her eyes.

"How are you?" Cassi asked, concerned, gently touching her cheek.

Tonks shivered and looked down at her own feet. "Tired," she simply said with a sigh. Then she looked at Draco, surprised.

"Hello there," she awkwardly smiled. "Tonks, pleasure to meet you," extending her hand.

Draco stood there awkwardly, before eventually accepting her hand and giving her a sheepish smile. "Draco Malfoy."

Tonks blinked, surprised, before smiling and trying to compose herself. "I believe we're cousins."

Draco blinked, seeming conflicted about how to respond. "Well, well, a family reunion," Cassie teased, playfully nudging her shoulder.

Tonks appeared somber for a moment. Something flickered behind her eyes. "I have to go. Nice to meet you, Draco," she said with a shy smile.

"See you around, Cassie," she waved and was about to turn away before Cassiopeia called out to her.

She gave her a hug, a tight one. "You're not alone, alright?" she whispered softly. "Write to me. I miss hearing your mission stories. How am I supposed to brag about an amazing Auror cousin if she doesn't tell me her stories?" she joked with a laugh.

Tonks blinked, seeming on the verge of tears, but then she laughed. "Thank you, Cassie," she said softly with a smile before leaving.

"What happened to her?" Draco asked thoughtfully.

Cassiopeia didn't have the answer.



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