Malfoy Ball

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Alright guys. The shit is out, so you can stop bodering me.

(PS: I love that, I'm kind sadic)

As the days passed at Malfoy Manor, Cassi felt increasingly closer to Narcissa and Draco

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As the days passed at Malfoy Manor, Cassi felt increasingly closer to Narcissa and Draco. She didn't come across Lucius very often; he was always busy with something, which she silently appreciated. Although he was polite whenever they met, Cassi couldn't help but feel a twinge of heartache knowing he was married to her soulmate. It was a mix of empathy and jealousy that she tried to understand. She knew Narcissa and Lucius no longer had anything romantic between them, only a deep platonic love, but the feelings still surfaced from time to time.

The New Year's ball at the manor was approaching, and with it came the anticipation of returning to Hogwarts. Cassi was happy to go back to classes and reunite with her friends, but at the same time, she feared the inevitable longing she would feel for Narcissa during her absence.

On the day of the ball, she dressed in the magnificent white pearl dress that Narcissa had gifted her. The dress hugged her body perfectly, enhancing her natural beauty. She felt radiant as she admired her reflection in the mirror. To complete her outfit, she put on an elegant bird-shaped mask, which matched the theme of the ball flawlessly.

Shortly before the party's start, Draco knocked on her door, and she let him in. He was impeccably dressed in a navy blue-black suit, his enigmatic black bird mask adding a mysterious touch to his appearance. His leather gloves and slicked-back hair evoked memories of their first year at Hogwarts.

"Cassi, you look stunning," Draco praised, gaping. "My mum's going to have a heart attack," he joked, amused.

She chuckled softly at that. "Thank you, Draco. You look very dapper yourself, trying to impress someone?" She teased with a mischievous smile.

Draco suddenly became downcast. "The one I fancy isn't here," he said, looking down at his shoes.

"Potter? Greenglass?" Cassi asked quietly, and Draco let out such a dramatic sigh, looking around to make sure no one had heard.

"How? How do you know?" He let out such a dramatic sigh while looking at her that for a moment she swore there was a Dementor behind herself.

"Draco, you're not that subtle," she explained playfully, pulling his hand to calm him. "It's okay, I won't tell anyone," she reassured, giving him a light kiss on his cheek.

"I'm fucked, Cassie, really fucked," He lamented sadly. "If my parents find out... If Potter finds out, it'll be the end of me."

"Hey," Cassi gently lifted his face. "There's nothing wrong with you having a crush. And I'm sorry you're feeling this way. " she comforted him. "As for Harry, I believe he likes Cho Chang... But it's not impossible, you know? I think you have a chance."

"You think?" He asked hopefully.
"I'm not absolutely sure, so I won't give you false hope just to break your heart later," Cassi confessed, making circles on his cheek. "But if I'm right, know that I'm here to help you both. Either way."

HP • 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤  ─  𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐒𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐱 𝐎𝐂Where stories live. Discover now