Chapter 30: Knowing you again

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Chapter 30

Emily's POV

I was in a factory looking for someone. I entered a door and saw Jake's parents tied up. Then Ryan's dad attack me, he had a gun pointed at my head, when suddenly Ryan came a shoot him.

I quickly woke up sweating. What a weird dream. I looked at the clock and it was 2 am. I got up and went to the bathroom. When I heard something hit my window. I just ignored it until it hit again, opening the window a pebble hit my cheek. What in the world!?

"Oh sorry" said the person who hit me with the pebble.

"What are you doing here?" I said rubbing my cheek.

"I needed to see you" Ryan said smiling.

"Aw how nice, but couldn't you wait till morning and use the front door like a normal person? Instead of throwing pebbles at my window and my face." I said a little sarcastic at the end.

"Sorry. I brought you something though"


"Cookies" he said showing me the packet.

"Come up then" I said. He started to climb up a tree close to my window. I used to hate that tree.

"Hey" he said out of breath.

"Hi" I greeted. I don't know but it feels like this has already happened. Talk about dejavú.  

"I brought some movies too" he said showing me the box of pitch perfect and evil dead. Yeah I'm right on the 'already happened thing'. After pitch perfect was over Ryan stood up and put Evil dead on. Then got into bed throwing his arm over my shoulder.

"What are you doing?" I asked taking his arm away from my shoulder.

"Sorry" he said awkwardly. The movie was half way, when Ryan out of nowhere stopped it.

"I can't take it anymore"

"Wha-" I didn't get too finished because Ryan lips were on mine. At first I didn't kiss back but then I responded. It felt like the kiss meant a lot to him. Like I was going to disappear if he stopped. When he was out of air he stopped.

"Did it work?" He asked looking hopeful.

"Did what work?" I asked very confused.

"Well watching all does Disney movies was a waste of time " he said. "Let's finish the movie" he said laying down. Was he really going to act like nothing happened?

"Ok?" What the heck just happened? I'm so confused right now.

"Or we could continue kissing" he said getting closer. I put my hand on his face and push him away.

"Kiss me again and I'll slap you."

"Emily?" I heard my mom calling. "I'm going to work. Would you be ok alone in the house for a few hours?" She asked

"Yeah" I answer without opening my eyes.

"See you later then" she said

"Mhm" I said getting closer to the warm part of the bed. I could hear some music in the room. I started to open my eyes and saw that I was on a red shirt. I pull the shirt and saw skin, abs to be exact.

"You know if you didn't want me with a shirt on you just had to say so" after hearing that I got up tripping and falling to the ground.

"What are you doing?" I asked getting up.

"We fell asleep" he said pointing to the TV that was in the menu part of the movie.

"Oh." I just slept next to a guy! Wait till Jake finds out about this.

"Yeah. So your mom is gone." he said

"Yeah so?"

"Let's go out" he said


"Because is a Saturday and the sun is out." he said

"But don't you have packing to do?" I asked.

"Nah the boxes are already in the house I'm moving in" he said.

"Wait didn't you say you were moving to London?" I asked

"Yeah. But I thought better of the situation and instead of running from what I want like someone said I should. I decided to fight for it" he said staring at me.

"That's good... So where do you live now?" I asked. He just smirk.

"You live 6 houses away from mine!" I yelled looking at the house.

"Yeah isn't that great. The house is nice too, it could use a different color but I will figure that later on. You can help me if you want, I could let you pick the colors too." he said.

"That would be great!" I was liking the idea of me picking the colors. Mom never lets me pick the colors of the house, I was only allowed to pick the color of my room. "Can we start today?" I asked

"Really? Today?" He asked

"Yeah if you want to" I said. I was stupid for asking.

"Ok then," he said making me smile. "I'll get the car, you stay here." he said and went inside the house.

I did what he told me and stood there. "Hey Emily" someone said from behind me. I turn around and saw Alex.

"Hey" I said. "Where did you come from?" I asked. He just looked at me.

"Emily that's a dumb question. I came from my mom's v-"

"No! Haha that is not what I meant and you know it." I said laughing.

"I know. I live around this street." He said.

"Really a have never notices " I said.

"Well I'm the kind of guy that something really wonderful has to catch my attention to get me to go outside." he said in a flirting matter.

"Oh Really?" I asked. Then I saw Ryan's car coming out of the garage.

"Well I have to go" said Alex leaving without waiting for my reply.

"You ready?" Asked Ryan opening the door for me.

"Of course" I said getting in.

Ok so I need 10 votes and 2 comments in this chapter for me to update. I did updated 4 chapters today so if you want to know what happens next you will have to vote. Love you guys <3

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