Chapter 5: Rude

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Chapter 5

Emily P.O.V

"I can't believe you just left me alone!" yelled Jake on the other end of the phone.

"I know Jake I'm really sorry." He just call me this morning to scold me because I left him at the party.

"Did you know there was a murderer in that house. I could have been next!" he said been really dramatic.

"Jake I just forgot ok. I was the one who almost got killed remember?"

"I know, Ryan told me" he said.

"You talked to Ryan?" At least I can get more information about last night situation.

"Yeah, after you left me.." he reminded me. " I went to the hospital to check up on him."

"How is he?" I'm kind of worried about him.

"How do you think? He is a mess, but he doesn't like showing his emotions."

"Do you know something about what happened?"

"Rumors say that Ryan's mother was cheating on his father, others say that Ryan's dad has anger issues and they got into a big argument that ended in him killing her." Wow people make up rumors quickly.

"Which one do you believe?" I asked him curiously.

"I can't say, I think is something far more serious." He answers. I was getting ready to leave for school now.

"Well Sherlock I have to go. I'll see you in school." I hung up before he could say anything else.

Poor Ryan, I feel bad for him. Maybe after school I could go and see him.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid!!!" I yelled at my locker, it doesn't want to open. "God help me, I'm about to destroy this locker." I rub my temples trying to calm myself.

"Hey take it easy, is just a locker," Jake said from behind me. When I turned around, my mouth almost dropped to the floor.

"What the heck happened to you?" I asked him getting worried. He had small cuts on his face, a bruise on his cheek and a broken lip.

"Oh this, is just a little bruise" he said, pointing to his face like it wasn't a big deal.

"Jake, who did this to you?" I asked, touching his face but he slapped my hand.

"I said it was nothing Emily, just drop it, okay!" he snapped at me and walked away.

"Jake! Come back here!" I yelled after him but he just ignored me.

I was shocked, really shocked. Never in my life has Jake yelled at me like that and it was just a simple question I asked him. Couldn't he see I was worried about him? I guess not because if he did, he wouldn't had acted the way he did.  Not giving this situation another thought, I began to walk to Spanish class.

It was lunch time and I haven't seen Jake since this morning, I wondered if he's mad at me. He shouldn't be though, I didn't do anything to him. He also can't be mad at me for leaving him yesterday, we already talked about that, or for me asking what happened to his face. I mean who wouldn't be curious about what happened?

I got out my phone, searching for any messages from Jake, when I ended up bumping into someone or I mean something. When I look up I just bumped into the wall next to the cafeteria door. How stupid of me, good thing no students were around. Only some nerdy kid, I bet he's laughing on the inside. Jerk!

Walking home my phone rang, when I got it out it was a text from Jake. Look who finally shows up.

"Hey," was the only thing he wrote.

"Hi, are you done being on your man period?" I replied.

"Ha! Very funny. No, is not my time yet, but I just wanted to apologize."

"For what exactly?"

"For being a díck?" I chuckle after reading that.

"How are you going to make it up to me?" I asked thinking of a good plan.

"Movie night?"

"Sure, but you're going to pay for the snacks," I smile when I wrote that.

"I always do. Well I will pick you up at six so be ready. We can go to the market and get the snacks," he wrote.

"Ok! See ya!" I replied. Then I put my phone on my pocket.

A was a few blocks away from my house and I totally forgot about going to the hospital. Maybe is for the best, I mean Ryan needs his space and I don't think he is at the hospital anymore, he's probably planning the funeral.

I can see my house from where I was standing, meaning I should hurry and get ready.

I can't wait to show what I have in store for Jake.

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