Chapter 3: Get ready

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Chapter 3

Emily's P.O.V.

It took me about an hour to get ready. I let my curly hair down, put on my favorite black jeans, an aqua blue blouse and my black heels to match. Since I don't like wearing much, I put on some mascara and lipstick, nothing else.

When I was done, I went down the stairs to wait for Jake. Almost at the door, I saw my mom waiting there. Just waiting for her attack.

"Well, you look nice" she told me smiling. I did a little spin and gave her a big smile.

"Yeah. I'm going to get some ice cream with Jake first. Then I'm going with my friends to see a movie. Oh and then to her house." Gush, I had forgotten my own lied.

"You didn't tell me anything about going to the movies... Ugh, just be careful." She told me giving up. I think I'm getting better with my lies.

Just as I was about to tell her I was going to be fine, I heard a knock at the door. My mom opened the door and in came Jake, smiling like an idiot.

"Hey. Emily's mom." he said looking at my mom like a little kid.

"Well, Hello, Emily's friend." mom said following his introduction.

"You're funny, Linda" he said flirtatiously. Is he flirting? Linda? That is not my mommy's name. He's such a dork. Using Spanish on my mother. What is wrong with him? Calling my mom pretty. He is to young for her.

"Let's go!" I grab his arm before they keep talking. They could talk for hours but I'm just happy and a little annoyed they get along.

Getting in the car, Jake turned on the radio and Maps by maroon 5 started playing. Jake started singing and that wan't a good thing.

"I miss the taste of a sweeter life,

I miss the conversation,

I'm searching for a song tonight,

I'm changing all of the station,

I like to think that we had it all,

We drew a map to a better place,

But on that road I took a fall,

Oh baby why did you run away?" he started singing.  Actually, it was more like yelling.

"Come on, Jake. Stop yelling! No wonder she ran away!" I yelled at him, trying to low down the music but he kept pushing my hand away.

"My car my radio. Don't hate me because I sing beautiful! Just like a beautiful bird."

"Yeah. A lot like a dying, choking bird maybe." I said laughing, gaining Jake's glare.

He didn't talk to me on the way to the party, he's such a little brat.

We came to a stop at a medium sized house with teens going inside and some vomiting outside. Isn't it a bit to early for that.

Getting out of the car, I saw Ryan at the door letting the people in. Then, the memory of us in school came to me. He was acting so weird. I wonder why he wanted me here. Oh MY GOD is this one of does moments in movies were they prank me or does he like me? What am I thinking? He didn't even know my name.

When we came to the door, Jake and Ryan did that 'guy hand shake' I never understood.
Ryan didn't even acknowledged me. What is his problem?

I went inside with Jake and my ears almost exploded by the loud music that was playing.

"See Now, this is a party!" Jake yelled jumping around.

"If you say so..." I was looking at all this people dancing like lunatics, I hope they remember how stupid they are acting in the morning.

"You know you should go dance with someone, make some friends." Jake tells me, looking around the room. I glared at him. 

"Oh, I see what you're doing. You know, if you don't want to be with me you can leave. I'll be fine." I assured him.

"I'm just saying, you should dance with someone. You should try to make a effort to make some friends. Are you afraid or something?"

"I'm not afraid! I'll show you in fact." I told him with determination. I started to look around the room for someone that didn't look like a player or a pervert. I saw this cute guy with blonde hair sitting on the couch just watching people dance. Bingo!

"I'll go dance with that one over there." I said pointing to the guy.

"Who? The blonde one?" Jake chuckled. "He's gay!"

"That's not a nice thing to say! Just because he's cute doesn't mean he's gay, Jake. "

"No, I mean he really is gay, in the homosexual way." he told me. I glanced back at blondie and then this tall guy sat next to him and held his hand.

"Oh, well. That's a shame." I said pounding.

"Come. I'll pick one for you." he told me, looking around.

"Jake, no. You're going to pick the worst!" I argued. Only a crazy person would let their friend pick a random guy for them to dance with.

"Okay, let's make a deal. I pick one for you and you'll pick one for me. Okay?" 

Am I really going to make a deal with the devil? 

"Okay, deal." I told him "I pick Blanca for you." I said without even thinking and I didn't regret my decision.

"What? No! I don't want Blanca!" he whines.

"We made a deal, Jake. Now, go on and dance with her" I wiggle my eyebrows and smile.

"Fine, then, you dance with.... Luis." he said smirking and crossing his arms.

"Wha- but, Luis is a pervert!"

"We made a deal." he said mocking me.

"Fine." I grunted. "And, I don't talk like that!" I said punching him on the chest.

"Yes, you do. Now go" he said pushing me. Was I really going to do this?

"Oh Jake I'm not feeling well, I think I'm going to be sick." I grab Jake's arm so he couldn't push me further.

"Emily you're just going to dance with him not marry him." He assures me. " Unless you want to marry him, that's up to you" I turn around and gave him a 'are you serious look'

"I really hate you sometimes." I glared at him "Just letting you know." 

"That's good to know, strawberry." He kissed my cheek. "Now stop stalling and go" He turn me around and gave me a small push.

Well, here goes nothing.


My crush's dad wants me deadحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن