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Staring blankly at the man Infront of you. You're confused to be honest, at first you though it was Gguk but now you also started to think that it's not Jungguk.

Standing up from your seat and sigh, he looked at you while you made your way to his direction, you stood up Infront of him and asked.

"What are we going to just stare at each other or you will touch me?" You asked making the man laugh, that laughed didn't sounds like Gguk but his attitude right now is similar to him.

"Come on, we've been doing it almost everyday, I need a break from you, I need to try new once." As he said that he grabbed the stripper that was serving us our drink and made her sit on his lap as he also started kissing him.

You're in shocked, you're stunned, how could he humiliate you like this mostly on the place where you're the most powerful.

You knew you should be jealous cause you're just his bed warmer but you still deserve to be respected since all your life all you do was to follow him around, do this, do that so even just a tiny respect he should give that to you.

You're burning in anger, you just can't stand there looking at him while he wrapped his arms around his waist and his lips on her.

You grabbed the bottle of wine and drink it, your eyes meet his and you can see the way he smirk while kissing the girl. You chuckles and smirk back at him, a man just entered the club and you've noticed that he's making his way on your seat so with no time you made you way to him and started kissing him.

Damn his lips taste so good, his warm hand wrapped around your bare back as he pulls you closer and deepen the kiss.

The kiss broken apart when someone suddenly grabbed the man, you both look at Gguk after breaking the kiss, you expected him to be all mad because of jealousy but you were wrong, he can hugging the man with a smile on his face and said.

"I'm glad you're already here Tae by the say this is our best stripper here, you can book her tonight if you wanted to." You widened your eyes, you wouldn't be mad if you slept with this good looking man but still, how can he now get jealous.

"Sorry but my duty is done if you want you can come back tomorrow, goodbye have a nice day." You said without saying anything.

The two man look at each other
"That's Gguk's bed warmer and she's so good it bed, you don't wanna missed it man." Jungkook said leaving Taehyung chuckles.

"Ugh it's so annoying!! How could he not get jealousy!!" You scream at the top of your lungs while pulling your hair in fist.

"It's because you're nothing but his bed warmer, can't you get it Yn, Gguk didn't have any feelings for you, he just used your body and keep you be because you own Alice heart." Yoongi said making you look at him.

"How can you be so mean" your eyes filled with tears, you stood up and left. Yoongi sigh, he knew he hurted your feeling but you had to face the truth.

You're drunk, you're walking alone while holding a bottle of beer on your hand, seeing the grave Infront of you, your anger started eating you up, throwing the bottle at the grave and started shouting while crying.

"It's all yours fault!! First you stool Gguk from me and now you gave me your heart just to prove that he loves you more than me huh?! How can you be so cruel!!" As your in pain you didn't notice that your bare feet is already bleeding after stepping on the broken pieces of the bottle.


You're watching race car together with your cousin, you're so happy since it's finally happening, you've been begging her to go with you and when she finally agree you book a flight on the way to Los Angeles to watch the race and watch your fav car racer.

As soon as the car race finish you jumped in joy after Jeon wins, your cousin tried to calm you down since being so happy isn't good for your heart. As soon as he walk out of the car you immediately run to him.

With a big smile on your face you run towards him one gave him a bouquet of flowers. He turn his head on you and smiled, he took the flowers from your hand and asked.

"What's your name beautiful?"

"Yn!! Yung Yn, oum what about you?, You only use Jeon as you screen name"

Because he could even answer a group of man came to him and started cheering.

"Woah Jk that was so cool man"one of his friends said.

He turn his head on you again and smile "I hope we see each other again, I'm sorry but I have to go now"

"Yeah sure bye." You wave your hand good bye while watching him leaves.

And it did, you both meet each other again and again and again. Right now you're holding the wheel of his car while looking nervous, he nod his head and you stepped on the gas.

The car started making you more nervous, as the car is working you look at him feeling so scared since this is your first time driving a car.

"Relax and focus on the road Yn" you did as he said and to your surprise you both arrived at his place.

His hand is wrapped around your waist while you're sitting on his lap, you continue kissing him and somehow pulled away.

"Please don't hurt me, my heart couldn't able to bare it." You said while placing his hand on your heart.

"I'll take good care of it don't worry, just trust me baby"

"I love you Jk"

"Same Yn, same"

You arrive at Korea after a great trip in LA the first person you run to was your cousin Alice, since she came home way earlier than you, you decided to come to her house and visit her and of course to tell all those amazing moments you've spent with Jk.

You open the door but shocked seeing th man together with your cousin. You place on hand on your heart, how could this be happening, she's literally betraying you right now, she knew you love Jk so much how could she betrayed you like this.

The last time you remember was that your having a heart attack and everything seems to stopped working. Even your heart.

Bed Warmer | J.JK [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now