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It's almost 10 o'clock in the evening meaning it's time for your turn on the stage but Jungguk stoped you.

Right now you're sitting on the couch while he's looking at you. "Let's break the contact. You will no longer be str'pper in my clubs." As soon as he said that you stood up from the couch and said.

"Good if that's the case then I'll take my leave now." Walking passed at him wanting to avoid him after what happen but he won't let it slide that easily.

"Of course in every deal we have to give something in exchange." He stared at you while your eyes are lingering with confusion.

"I want you Yn. I want you for myself, be mine." Holding tight not wanting to let your hand go. You shook your head and pushed him as hard as you can.

"Now look at us. Now it's you who's begging to be with me? This is why the world is so cruel. We couldn't get what we want. Before when I want you, you don't want me. But now that you want me, you knew I couldn't because I have Jungkook. You're unbelievable Gguk. Maybe you don't want me at all. You just wanted to prove yourself that you're better than brother."

As you tried to leave Gguk grabbed you by your hand and pin you on the wall while his other hand wrapped around your neck. You can see how his eyes are burning in anger, the gripped on your neck tighten.

"Don't even dare do make me look like Jungkook. Here's the one who couldn't accept I'm better than him that's why he stoled my life and you away from me!!!."

You couldn't respond, all you could do is to look at him while your eyes filled with tears. His anger take over his whole body that he didn't realize he's already hurting you as he couldn't control himself.

"I-I hate y-you" your voice weakened. Soon he realized it and let go of you, Gguk picked you up and sat you on the couch while offering you a bottle of water.

You glance at him, pushing his and left while still feeling your throat burning in pain. The man left groaning. He's frustrated, he didn't meant to hurt you. Now he's sure you will surely hate him even more.

Mingyu and Jungkook are sitting on the couch while drinking alcohol. "Man Alice was so mad when she find out you left her. Wait no after she finds out Gguk left her but she thinks you're Gguk. Ugh your life is so complicated."

Jungkook just chuckles as he pour more liquor on the glass he's holding. "I'll fix it soon. Hopefully soon." Jungkook knew it wouldn't be that easy for him to be able to fix his damage life but he will surely make sure that he would fix it no matter what. He won't let his hard work get wasted by stupid unworthy people who just suddenly came in his life and ruined him.

"You know what why don't we go clubbing so at least you'll loosen up your mind a little huh?. Come on bro stop being so boring it's not you. Jungkook is already surrounded by girls." Mingyu said.

The other man couldn't help but to laugh at his friend. He's right tho, Jungkook couldn't deny that he's once a womanizer mostly after the incident of him and Yn's first encounter.

She like his first love and he doesn't even know if he will be able to meet her again at that time so he started going out with different girls to lossen his mind filled with her memories with her even in just small amount of time of them being together but now Jungkook couldn't figure out what to do.

It's either stay here and be with you, fight for you or leave this place and go back to his old life then fix it. It's  difficult mostly when someone is out there hunting his life.

"Fine come on" As Jungkook and Mingyu both agreed, they walk to the door and open in but as soon as Jungkook open a woman came running to him.

Wrapping her arms around his waist while crying in his embrace. "Well I think I should leave you two together okay" Mingyu said while looking at Jungkook and walk away.

"Hey love, what happened? Why are you crying?" Jungkook grabbed your chin and wipe your tears.

"Let's leave this city, you will come with me right? I-I want a whole new life with you Jungkook please take me with you." You said with a glimpse of hope lingering in those eyes that you own hoping he would gladly accept to be with you.

"I would love that but it's not that easy, I have life and I have thing in my life that I had to fix before settling down Yn." Jungkook look at you hoping you would understand him.

"So you couldn't?, you couldn't leave everything behind for me? You said you love me right?"

"I do. I love you but I don't think my love for you is enough to let go of my career for you Yn." As Jungkook tried to hold you, you stepped backward not believing what he said.

"So you're saying you don't love me enough for you to persuade me? T-this is bullshit Jungkook. As much as I wanted to understand you I just couldn't help but to think if Gguk is right. You're so complicated. You're so mad after knowing I slept with Gguk that night saying I'm hurting you cause I choose him over you but now that I'm choosing you, you're saying you couldn't choose me?."

"It's not like that Yn. I just have things to fix before completely being devoted to you okay, j-just not now." Jungkook sigh. Grabbing both of your hand while kissing the back of you palm Jungkook pulled you in his embrace while whispering to your ears.

"I just need you to trust me on this" Jungkook said while kissing you forehead when the door behind your back suddenly opened. A strong gripped on your hair made you fell on the ground hard.

"You bish stay away from my man!! He's my man!!"

"Alice what the heck!! Let go of her!!"

Bed Warmer | J.JK [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now