Chapter 11: Laura

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As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting its warm golden glow across the city, Misaka walked through the bustling streets.

In the midst of this lively backdrop, Her presence drew curious glances from those around her, With her long white hair cascading down her back like a waterfall of shimmering silver.

her footsteps were soft and light, barely making a sound against the pavement, with her gaze being in a straight line ahead.

("Don't act tough If you can't handle it, You will only end up hurting yourself more", That was a cool line, says Misaka #13577 as she tries to hold back a laugh.)

(You're good at seducing, comments Misaka #13577 as she hopes to learn from #10000)

(Misaka saw a similar scene from a romantic manga Misaka had read, says Misaka#19002 as she share the memory with the others)

(Oh, it's the same, but the boy in the manga is less handsome, says Misaka as she wonders if #10000 tries to imitate the scene)

(Can you guys stop spying on me next time, says Misaka#10000 as she tries her best not to appear embarrassed.)

(We didn't...)

They responded in unison.

(Huh? Then how did you know... It's the little sister, isn't it...)

(Hehehehe~~ Yes, that was me says Misaka as Misaka is proud of her doing)

(#20001 aka Last Order is supposed to keep control of every Misaka, What are you doing, taking advantage of it to embarrass Misaka says Misaka#10000 scolding her little sister)

(Oh, come on! You're the last one who should talk about taking advantage of something says Misaka as Misaka fights back)


(Don't act like you don't know. Didn't you try and use your new ability to make your boobs grow bigger? says Misaka as Misaka reveals a traitor)




Suddenly, a chilling sensation ran down her spine, causing her to come to an abrupt stop. It felt as though the gaze of all 9969 Misakas was piercing through her, branding her as a true traitor.

"HeHeHe~~Too bad you failed. You'll remain in the flat-chest club forever, says Misaka as Misaka voice laced with evil laughter, HAHAHAHAHAHA"

(...Misaka will take her revenge, remember that, says Misaka#10000 holding a big grudge against her little sister)

(HeHe~ good luck in surpassing my little white knight, says Misaka as Misaka holds a big confidence)


Sighing as she scratched the back of her head, Misaka continued on her way to the meeting location. 

Ever since Last Order appeared in the network, she had developed a habit of teasing her. Whether she was sleeping or taking a shower, Last Order would always find a way to poke fun at her.

Like that time when Misaka #10000 was meditating on her own naked body (For educational reasons) while taking a shower, she would hear Last Order's voice through the network, saying things that were quite questionable coming from a little girl.

"Starting at your boobs won't make them any bigger," or "Who are you imagining doing it with right now?"

But she couldn't entirely blame Last Order for her actions. After all, she had access to all their memories through the network, so it was partly her own fault for being exposed to such thoughts.

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