Chapter 16: The Truth Revealed

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(A/N): I'll call Misaka#10000 with just Misaka, while the original is with Mikoto, so I hope there would be no confusion.



After school, somewhere inside school district 7, they walked on the side of the busy city under the noon sun. Two girls, shoulder to shoulder.

Shirai Kuroko and Misaka Mikoto.

They were young ladies of Tokiwadai Middle School, the object of adoration for all girls in Academy City, but for some reason, both their hair was ruffled and messy—the harmful side effect of their brawl.

Mikoto, slumping tiredly, ran a hand through her hair to fix it. "...You know, you can't just dropkick someone in the face fully naked! You were so open and unguarded that I froze up instead. Seriously."

"Hee-hee. I've begun to understand you recently, Onee-sama. It may be absurd to challenge a superpowered Electromaster to a fair fight, but there's a lot of moisture in the shower room, so you can't use your electric attacks because they might cause short circuits! But my greatest miscalculation was not realizing you knew how to fight dirty with your bare hands!"

Shirai ended with a regretful tone and grinned drily. Neither looked anything like someone raised under Tokiwadai's founding principle: to produce people who could function in the real world even during their compulsory education.

Shirai swung her flimsy bag from side to side and continued smiling defiantly.

"Oh, Onee-sama. Do you not think the two-piece set on display over there would suit you perfectly rather—Ow! I know quite well that you have been all about the queen look this year—Ow, ack?!"

Mikoto was pulling on Shirai's right ear, but she looked happy about it.

"I'm pulling on your ear, here. How are you making such calm recommendations?... Hey, what?! You can see through eighty percent of that lace underwear. You'd only choose something like that to make people laugh!"

"This store does specialize in underwear, however, so would it not be more natural for them to stock professional underwear rather than unprofessional underwear?"

"...You make it sound like you're an expert on the topic, Kuroko."

"I, of course, specialize in many things that have the potential to bring the color of embarrassment to your cheeks, Onee-s—Ow!! ...Y-you mustn't keep doing this. This sort of relationship is starting to be rather thrilling. Fu...fu-fu. I suppose having Onee-sama grab part of my body in broad daylight and making me moan is a perfectly valid form of entertainment!"

"Kuroko? If I pull your ear anymore, it'll tear off and we'll make a mess."

Mikoto smiled and stretched Shirai's ear out, but she hadn't overlooked one thing. When Mikoto had glanced at the two-piece lace set she'd recommended to her, she'd blushed and hurried to peel her eyes from it. Shirai grinned, very much happy at having seen Mikoto's profile filled with embarrassment, but she suddenly had a thought and noticed Mikoto had, at some point, begun looking at something else with a serious look on her face.


Shirai, vaguely interested, looked in the same direction.

There was a crowd of people surrounding a certain restaurant, but they didn't seem to be waiting for their turn or anything. They were randomly crowded around the restaurant entrance and windows as if they were watching something inside.

Narrowing her eyes at the restaurant window, she could see a familiar girl with white hair...

"What is happening there?"

Misaka 10000 (Toaru fanfiction)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora