Chapter 13: Accelerator's little sister?

875 38 31

3 October 2:06 AM

Perched upon one of the supporting concrete columns, Misaka stood like a silent observer. Her eyes locked onto the group of girls below, studying their every move with keen interest. The wind played with her long white hair, sending strands dancing around her face.

(Those little girls had done all this by themselves?)

Looking around, she observed that the entire area lay in ruins. She had been on her way toward where Misaka#1046 was, but a sudden explosion captured her attention.

Upon reaching the source of the sound, she discovered that the place was already in disarray, and amidst the wreckage were those girls.


Interrupting her thoughts, Misaka noticed several pieces of paper floating in the air around her. Before she could attempt to reach for them and see what they were, the papers swiftly closed in on her, enveloping her like an iron maiden.

"Yoch! Mission complete. Sakuragi, go and bring her here," Rita's voice rang out.

"Ehh, I don't want to. Why didn't you ask Seike to do it?" Sakuragi complained.

"I can't carry something that heavy. That's why she asked you,"

"Man~~ Why is it always me?" Sakuragi whined.

"Stop complaining and just do your thing," Rita retorted.

"Hey, is that thing yours? Asks Misaka"


Upon hearing the unfamiliar voice in front of her, Rita involuntarily jumped back, startled by the sudden presence.

Her startled movements caused her steps to stumble on the uneven ground, and she was on the verge of falling backward, However, instead of hitting the cold ground, her head collided with someone's chest. To her surprise, it was a flat surface...

"Chill, Misaka doesn't have any reason to kill you...yet. Everything should go well if you just answer a few questions,"

Rita felt a chill run down her spine as she heard the girl's words from behind. She hadn't even noticed when the girl had moved behind her. She remained motionless.

Misaka tilted her head to one side, confused by the little girl's lack of response. She was about to speak again, when she was abruptly interrupted by the sight of two figures leaping toward her, ready to attack.

The first figure simply touched her, while the second one, dressed in a bunny battle suit, delivered a powerful punch to her face.

To her surprise, Misaka found herself unable to resist the force behind the punch and was sent flying several meters away from Rita. She only came to a stop when she collided with a solid wall.


"Y-You okay, captain?!" Seike caught the back of Rita's head as he asked.

Rita responded with silence, her body trembling, her eyes fixed on where Misaka had been sent.

(Why is she so afraid?)

"T-That's not a normal clone!" she managed to say.


Not long after Seike Understand what she means as he felt the ground beneath Him suddenly trembling.

"G-Guys, you have to look at that," Sakuragi spoke up as she pointed at the distant plume of smoke.

Following the path of her finger, their gazes became fixed as they witnessed a massive piece of debris shifting to the side, causing the ground beneath it to tremble as it falls.

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