05| George

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Finally, all classes for today ended. I hung out with some guys, had great classes, oh and yes, met an exceptionally annoying woman who scratched my bike.

I drove back to the building. It's a fine day, the sun's out and the sky's clear. It's August so it was pretty good weather for the season.

My apartment's on the 8th floor so I took the elevator. Just as the door was closing, a girl ran to the front about 5 meters away with her hair on her face.
I stared at her with a gaping mouth. Is it just me or is 'ek ladki ko dekha' actually playing in the background? It takes a couple of seconds for me to realize what's happening and steady myself. She yelled from there asking me to hold the door. I was just about to when her hair slid off her face.
No. No way. No fucking way. It's her. It's the bike scratcher.

I punched at all the buttons in the elevator hoping it might close and a little embarrassed about what was going on in my head a minute ago.

"Hey, stop it, I know what you're doing," She yelled.

"Then you should know I'm not stopping."

She threw her backpack towards the elevator and despite all my efforts it opened.
She gets in, "So you're a cruel, devious man, huh."

"You live here?" I could barely contain my shock.

"I'm not telling you that."

"You know I already figured it out, don't you? I mean, it's quite obvious."

"I could be visiting a friend."

"Believe me, I want it to be true but you're carrying a grocery bag. Also, I know you don't have any friends."
That statement was met with silence and her squinting at the door. And I grinned to myself.

The elevator door opened and she got out and I remembered I left my bag on the bike. Ugh, what is up with me?

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