18| Aly

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3 more days before we leave for Germany. I hadn't been this excited about any case except for my first one. Maybe, I was just eager to see George at work. By now I'd heard a lot of things about him. Brilliant combatant, excellent aim, fierce, and calloused were just some of them. 

    George and I were in the headquarters right now. It's usual to be working and preparing for an international op. 
  We were just signing off on the equipment we were going to need. I looked at him with the corner of my eyes, "Are you dating someone?" It was none of my business and I was way out of line. But I have a problem, a compulsion, a pathological need to get into people's business to make sure they're okay.
His neck jolted in my direction, "No, why?" His voice was hurried and urgent but also cautious. He was trying to measure the depth of the water first.

"Well," I began in a stretched-out tone, "I noticed that you haven't dated anyone in a while."

"So?" He grew impatient.

"So, there are quite a few girls I know that are dying to get with you. Do you want me to set you up with someone?"

His brows creased, disappointment spread all over his face. When it vanished, he gave a strained smile, which didn't contain an ounce of emotion, "No, thanks."

"Are you sure? They are grea-" 
He got up and walked away. He simply walked away! My mouth fell to the bottom in disbelief. 

I was plotting his murder when I heard sharp footsteps behind me. I turned around. Ryan! 
 "Hey, what are you doing here?" He asked, noticing the files on my desk.

"New op. Germany."
Ryan gave an acknowledging nod.

George showed up beside me and I groaned to myself. Ryan looked between us and then at the both of us. His eyes widened and his jaw fell on the floor but he was smiling behind that, "Holy shit! Y'all have an op together. Oh my god, when did you guys find out about each other?" He groaned loudly, "I can't believe I missed your faces when you found out. What were your reactions?"

"I mean, I was surprised of course but-" I began.

George cut me off, "Shocked beyond belief. I didn't peg her for Covert material."

Ryan's mouth shaped an 'O' in anticipation as he realized there was going to be a fight. "Excuse me?" My lips curled into a sneer.

"What?" George said wryly. As if I was just supposed to stand there and nod.

"What makes you think I'm not Covert material?" I scowled at him.

"I don't know, you're nice and sensitive." He said it like it was a bad word.

"So?" I angrily took a step forward toward him.

"Look, there are layers to being a field agent. For undercover work, you have to lie to someone's face. You have to have a killer instinct for the unpredictability of UC work. I doubt you have that. I don't doubt your combat or tactical skills but I doubt your disposition to use them when it comes to that."

"I love it when you mansplain," I gave him a taunting smile. "If I could I would roll my eyes so far up my head that they damn near fall out jaw," I yelled out of gritted teeth while I took another angry step towards him.

"You know I'm right." He took a stride towards me matching my vigour.

"Oh, go back to your cynical brooding," I yelled ignoring the heat rushing through my body because of how close our bodies were.

"I have nothing against you, love. But it's a no-brainer that you're too soft to be a spy."  

"Oh, and you think you're so tough? You're cruel enough to be a spy?" I practically spat at him. His unflinching arrogance is someday going to make me kill him.

"I'm more sadistic than the devil, love." He whispered against my ear which sent chills running down my spine.
I clenched my fists, glaring up at him.

"Wow, I'm thinking you're gonna kill each other in Germany," Ryan intervened, "Though, you know, Aly's one of the best in Covert. She was actually the head of the UC department. She is a member of the behavioral analysis and body language department. She's like a mind freak." 

George's jaw ticked. The vein in his temple was significantly visible. He glowered at Ryan, giving him the you're dead to me look.

"Maybe I should go." Ryan shifted. But he didn't leave, he stood at the corner. No, this was too entertaining for him to leave.

I smirked at George. "Don't sweat it, handsome. I'm not saying you're not tough, you're just not me." I shrugged nonchalantly when I knew it was gnawing him inside. 

"You really think you're better than me?" His tone, icy and cold. Opposite to the warmth between us. We were still so close that if we spoke in a normal volume nobody could hear us. 

"I don't think. I know." 

"Alright, how about a bet? A friendly wager." He said, crossing his arms—a small smile playing on his lips.

"I'm listening."

"Hand-to-hand combat." His smile grew just a tiny bit.

"And what are the stakes?" I narrowed my eyes at him. His voice was a bit too mischievous. Which means it'll be annoying for me.

"You win, I go on a date with one of the girls you wanted. I win, you go on a date with me."

"I'd rather pry my eyes out with a crowbar," I whispered, narrowing my eyes up at him.

The half-smile on his face grew to a full-fledged grin. "What, are you scared?"

I know he was trying to bait me. But I didn't want to give him the satisfaction.
     I knew this was crazy. He knew this was crazy. Ryan leaning on the wall at the corner knew this was crazy. But the crazier thing was that I was tempted.


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