07| George

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I just got down to buy some groceries from the store in the building. I was just about to get in when a girl came running to me, out of breath, "Excuse me- excuse me, sir? Hi, I don't mean to disturb you, but by any chance, do you know a 'Alina Singh'? I heard she lives in this building."

"Um, yeah. She lives in the 41st apartment on the 8th floor."

"Oh, thank god. Could you please take me to her?"

I sighed and said, "Sure," wondering if this is my life for the next four years.

I took her to Aly's apartment and she kept quiet the whole way, nervously twitching. I knocked on the door. Aly opened the door and instantly screwed up her face. She shouted, "For the last time, I told you I'm not paying you for that tiny scratch on your bike."

"Calm down, tiger. That's not why I'm here, although you really should pay me. Anyway, this woman was looking for you down at the compound." I peeped inside the door and everybody was there. So, I pushed past her and got in along with the woman I just met.

"Cam? Is that you?" Aly looks at her wide-eyed and in utter shock.

"Oh my god, Ali, hiii. I was looking for you all over and now here you are." She hugged Aly tightly, alleviated, and exhausted. 

"Hii, what's going on?" Aly said, squeezing out of the hug, "I mean, what are you doing here all of a sudden." 

"I was getting married." Now everyone's face turned to look at them, intrigued.

"And you didn't like the venue and wanted to get married here......?" Aly tried making a wild guess.

"No, I ran from the wedding and you're the only person I know here," Cam replied, sinking into the couch, her hands covering her face.

"WHAT? Everyone shouted in unison.

"Are you serious, why?" Aly asked her, being a tad too loud.

"I didn't love Aman, I- couldn't go through with it. I- I had to get out of there." She concluded, all in one breath.

"Alright, just calm down. It'll be alright." Aly said but she herself looked in distress. She paced herself. "Everybody, this is Camille. She was in my high school with me." Then she introduced everybody to Camille, hesitating a little while introducing me. "You remember Ray? He was in our school too."

"Hii," said Ray timidly.

"Yeah, yeah. Sure." She said, not caring at all. And who can blame her, she walked out on her wedding. It's a miracle she's still upright.

Aly sat in front of her on the coffee table, trying to calm and console her. Ryan sat on the armrest of the couch and put his hand on Cam's shoulder, "Hey, if you need anything, feel free to contact me. I live just across the hall." He winked at her. I smiled at how he never misses a chance.
"Ryan, stop hitting on her!" Aly hissed at him. "What's wrong with you?"

Ryan just shrugged lazily and walked away. K brought some fruits and water for her.

"So, what's the plan, Cam? I mean, do you have a job, and where will you live?" Ali asked her, trying to be soft.

"I did have a job back in Pune. I'll give some job interviews tomorrow. And...I was kind of hoping I could stay here...?" She's looking at Aly sheepishly. Aly looked defeated so she turned to K looking at her pleadingly.

"Um, sure, anything, we have a spare room. You can take that." K is such a selfless person. She's just admirable.

"OMG, thank you, guys. I'm so grateful." Camille squealed, jumping up and down, and hugged both Aly and K.

So, I guess we have another addition around here.

Four Years: The first yearHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin