12| George

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So, apparently, I have been partnered up with Aly for today's dance. I'm not devastated but I'm not thrilled either.

We were all hanging out in the living room. It has been three weeks since Cami arrived and we're all pretty cozy together now. Except Aly. I still haven't warmed up to her. She's just borderline irritating.

Suddenly, the intercom rang making a horrible screeching sound and I went to the door to see who it was. "Please don't do that again. It's a horrible sound." And I opened the door. It's a courier guy.
"Hey, I have a package for-," He went through his bag and took out a file covered in brown paper, "Um, Camille Wilson."
"Oh god, this is it." Camille stood up suddenly, "This is the letter where I get to know if I got the job or not."
"Letter?" I asked her, "There is a thing called E-mail, right? I didn't dream it?"
She smacked my arm with the letter and rolled her eyes at me.

"Open it. Open it." Went Ray looking more excited than Cami herself.

She opened the letter and everyone watched silently, too scared to move. Cami held her breath while fumbling with the package. And then she jumped up and down with her arms in the air, "I got it. I got it. I'm now the executive at H&M. Yayyyyy!"
Everybody surrounded and hugged her.

"So, this deserves a celebratory drink, right?" Said Aly and poured a glass of wine for everyone. "Hey, Ryan, where's that corkscrew I lent you? I just had to open this bottle with my hands."

"Uh yeah, it's in my bedroom on the side table."

"Great, I'll go get it. Also, don't tell me why it's in your bedroom."

She went to our apartment and a little while later barged in and shut the door real hard. "Ryan, why's there a naked woman posing, " She hesitates trying to search for the right words, ".....Provocatively on your bed. I'm literally traumatized."

"Ahh, so that's why the corkscrew was in the bedroom," I said, laughing.

"Wait, she's still here? I told her to go home. Aly, darling, would you be a doll and go tell her it's over." Ryan said persuasively, looking not at all ashamed.

"No! What's wrong with you? You're disgusting." Aly screeched. "Go talk to her yourself."

"Wow, remind me not to date you again, Ryan," Ray added.

"You wish," Ryan said with a scoff.

"I could get you," said Ray cockily.
Ryan finally left to talk to her after passing Ray a scornful look.

"Soo, Aly, excited about the dance tonight? " Kiara asks.

"No, I didn't even wanna go. I don't even know what to wear."

Rachel said, "Uh-huh", eyeing her boy shorts and a checked shirt which I'm sure she got in the men's section 'cause I have the same shirt. "But you know what, sweetie? I can help you with that."

"Thanks that'd be great."

"Kayy, now let's go shopping," She got up and picked up her jacket, "Boys, behave while we're gone."
And they left.


It's 7 pm now. I'm already at the Hall, dressed in a white shirt, black pants, black blazer and a black tie. These make up more than half of my closet. And I'm fairly certain I look like a server right now. 

I was supposed to take Aly with me but neither of us liked that option so she's coming by herself shortly. I look around the place and it looks beautiful. It's minimalistic and not too tacky. Aly actually did a good job with the place.

Four Years: The first yearTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon