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Chapter 44

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We walk into the cafeteria. Eyes immediately fall on Marcus and a strange quiet falls across the hall. It isn't like everyone stops talking upon seeing him. It's more like they lower their voices to whispers.

I watch as people look his way, then promptly lean in closer to those around them and speak in low voices.

I look at Marcus out of the corner of my eye. I know he knows what this is all about, but he doesn't react. His face remains calm as he ignores it all.

My heart sinks slightly as I again find myself thinking how sad and lonely this must feel. I almost want to reach out and comfort him.

We reach the food. I grab myself a sandwich, fruit, and a piece of cake and pay quickly.

"Should we eat in my office?" Marcus asks.

"I think that may be for the best," I reply, looking back around the awkward dining hall.

As we leave, I let out a little breath of relief.

"You'll get used to it," Marcus says casually.

"To what?" I ask.

He chuckles lowly and raises an eyebrow at me. I smile and look away.

"I'm not quite sure I understand what all the funny looks and low whispers are about, to be honest," I tell him.

"Really?" he asks. "You and your colleagues haven't had a little gossip every time I've walked into your office?"

I shrug. "A little," I admit. "But nothing really said to require such reactions. I just assumed most of it was made up."

He laughs a little harder. "Well, I don't know what has been said to you, but you're probably right."

"Probably?" I joke.

He smiles charmingly and my traitor of a heart flutters.

Get a grip, Rowan.

"I just ignore them and their funny looks," he says. "You should too."

"Noted," I reply.

We come to a lift. Marcus scans his card and then his fingerprint. The doors slide open, and we step inside. Like the other lifts, this one is glass. I look out of the windows into the huge, office space below, watching as everyone gets smaller and smaller.

The door pings open and we step out into a corridor that's actually above ground, unlike most of the building which operates mostly underground.

Marcus walks slightly ahead of me. I can't help but slow down so I can look out of the great windows that overlook the city.

I hadn't realised that the skyscraper next to the old MOD building was also a part of it. For a second, I pause.

We are right in the middle of the city, and I haven't seen it from this high before. It spans as far as the eye can see. The spectacular skyscrapers, made from glass and gleaming metal, are built in all sorts of unique shapes. Many of them are linked by fancy metal bridges. Far below, green parks separate the buildings and roads wind their way through the city, the cars stuck on them looking tiny.

Marcus pauses and turns to walk back over to me.

"It's quite a view," I say.

He nods his head.

"You should see it at night. Cities always look better at night," he tells me, then turns and gestures for me to follow.

I catch up quickly. We walk through a set of cloudy glass doors into a reception area. My eyes immediately fall the on armed guards that stand at another set of doors opposite.

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