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Chapter 75

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It is quiet as Kiora's new handmaids get her ready. The women work in complete silence, barely casting a glance at Kiora. When Kiora even speaks to Sorcha, her new handmaids shoot her judgemental glares that make Kiora's stomach sink.

She catches Sorcha's eyes. The woman gives her an apologetic look and continues to work on getting Kiora dressed. One of the handmaids, a particularly stern-looking older woman, yanks a brush roughly through Kiora's hair, catching it on a knot. Kiora winces, gritting her teeth as the woman continues being just as rough.

"Be gentle, Agetha," Sorsha snaps harshly.

Agatha looks at Sorcha with a blank, disgusted stare, then nods her head and continues. Kiora shoots Sorcha a small thank you smile.

Soon, the women are leaving. Kiora lets out a shallow breath of relief as she watches them go.

"What was that?" she asks Sorcha now they are alone. Sorcha sighs.

"They are women under High Lady Illyria's thumb," Sorcha tells her, her tone grim. "Don't even try to become friendly with them. They've been hers for years and they will not betray her."

Kiora grits her teeth and rubs her temple as a dull ache grows behind her eyes. Illyria's words yesterday ring back in her mind.

"Your desperate attempt to make friends is pathetic and with every attempt, I will crush it swiftly and effectively."

What can she do to stop this? Can she do anything to get her old handmaids back? Or would trying just make everything even worse?

"They are going to report everything back to Princess Alethia and High Lady Illyria," Sorcha warns.

"I know," Kiora sighs. "I ought to be getting to breakfast."

"Yes, my lady. Have a good day," Sorsha says as Kiora walks toward the door. She knocks on the wood and the guards on the other side open it for her.

She walks through the corridors, ignoring the various guards stationed at different points. She can feel their eyes on her though. No doubt Illyria has been spinning a web of various lies and rumours about her to them.

Still, Kiora tries not to let it get to her. She keeps her head held high and walks with confidence and, as usual, she dreads what the day ahead may bring. The thought of sitting with the wives for another awkward breakfast in front of all the concubines makes her feel tired. She's beyond feeling discomfort or fear now.

All she feels is dull tiredness. It makes her body ache and her eyes heavy. Sometimes, there's even a sharp, stabbing pain in her head. She doesn't need sleep. She never used to anyway. But as the days wear her down and she spends her whole time thinking about various plots to ensure her survival, she's discovered that sleep has become a blessing. It is the only way she can escape this horrible place.

Plus, sometimes she dreams about Alice.

A soft smile plays on Kiora's lips and she comes to a stop at one of the balconies. She opens the doors and steps outside. The air is a lot cooler than it was when she first arrived. It still isn't cold, at least, not how she would like it. But it doesn't make her skin sting any more.

She closes her eyes and allows the cool breeze to wash over her, fluttering her hair. In the distance, a low roar sounds. It is deep and heavy. Kiora's eyes snap open and she gazes out at the dragon's nest in the city beyond.

Even now, she struggles to comprehend its size. The great black walls cast a horrible shadow over the whole city. Sometimes, when the sun is right, the shadows even reach the palace itself. Another roar, deep and angry, rips its way out of the nest. She can almost feel the city fall into a scared, tense silence.

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