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Chapter 47

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Sorcha rushes into the room and quickly helps Kiora off the ground. Kiora trembles but doesn't say a word. Sorcha and the handmaids are also silent.

Kiora stares blankly, her body limp as the maids dress her. She knows they heard what happened, but they will not even acknowledge it. Not one maid, not even Sorcha, asks if she is okay.

Princess Alethia is untouchable.

Kiora's hands ball into tight fists as she tries to keep them from trembling. The Princess had disobeyed a direct order from the emperor and she's going to get away with it. Kiora could tell the emperor, but no one would back up her story. The emperor certainly won't believe her over the word of his sister.

There is nothing Kiora can do.

She knows it and the Princess knows it.

Kiora thought that the emperor disciplining her would be a good thing, but now Kiora can see that it has only made Alethia more dangerous. It has forced her to be more careful with her cruelty.

Kiora's heart sinks and a deep ache settles in her stomach. She shuts her eyes and lets out a long breath, mentally preparing herself for the day ahead.

"You're ready, my lady," Sorcha says.

"Oh, so now you know how to speak," Kiora snaps and steps away before Sorcha has a chance to reply. She knows it isn't fair to say. Sorcha and the other maids don't have the type of power to stand up against a woman like Alethia. To do so would possibly get them killed. But, lashing out at Sorcha gives her a little bit of relief against all the pent-up fear and tension that plagues her.

Outside the doors are attendants who wait to escort her to breakfast.

"I'm ready," Kiora tells them, her voice quiet. They nod their heads and start walking ahead of her.

As she follows, she nervously fiddles with the silks of her dress. Will the other wives already be there? Will the concubines be there too? How will the wives treat her under the watchful eyes of Princess Alethia?

Kiora's legs tremble with fear as they approach the doors into the great dining hall of the Alathor court. She can hear chatter and laughing beyond. It grows silent as the doors open.

Kiora steps into the grand hall. She pauses for a few seconds to take it in. There are three tables in total. Two are long, running up the room vertically. The concubines sit at them, eating from wooden bowls. At the end of the room, overlooking it, is the third table. The wives sit there.

Kiora looks between the concubines and the wives, her eyes widening at the differences. The concubines wear simple, elegant dresses and their tables are empty but for their bowls. The wives, on the other hand, wear spectacular dresses and jewellery. The table is full of large platters of food, consisting of vibrant fruits, pastries, cheeses and dried meats. If Kiora wasn't so nervous, she would enjoy the scents of fresh bread.

The attendant makes a gesture for Kiora to follow him. She starts walking once more. They make their way past the concubine tables. Kiora tries to keep the shock off her face as all the concubines bow their heads as she passes.

When she gets to the main table, she stops before it. She represses a shudder as Illyria's turquoise eyes bore into hers.

"Good morning, Lady Kiora," Illyria says and smiles gracefully.

Kiora forces a smile onto her lips and she curtsies.

"Good morning, High Lady Illyria," Kiora replies.

Illyria gestures to the empty seat at the end of the table. "Please, take your seat for breakfast. I'm sure you are hungry after last night's festivities," she says and laughs charmingly.

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