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Chapter 77

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I play the recording again. My heart pounds in my chest and my whole body feels like ice. I can't stop the trembling of my lips and the silent tears that fall down my cheeks, my eyes stinging.

I curl myself up on my bed as I listen, clinging to my pillow as heavy sobs leave my mouth, making my chest lurch and ache. Hearing Mr Salt's voice makes my toes curl and a new wave of tears spills into the pillow.

"So, how has Ivy done on the interviews?" Mr Salt asks, his voice distant and slightly distorted on the recording.

"Excellently," Marucs replies.

"She is a very intelligent girl. It's a shame she put in all that effort though," Mr Salt says.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me, Mr Kaiser. You will not be giving Ivy that job in your department."

"With all due respect, that isn't your decision, Mr Salt. Nor is it any of your business."

Mr Salt laughs, the sound cruel and arrogant.

"That's where you are wrong, Mr Kaiser," he says. "Now, you and your precious Commander may have been successful in removing me from the chain of command when it comes to your department. For that, I congratulate you. Game well played. But I am still the Minister of Defence. You work in my building with my staff, using my equipment and my resources. You and your top-ranking members may work for the president himself, but Ivy works for me and she will continue to work for me even as a low-level intern in your department."

"That isn't exactly the job..." Marcus mutters, frustration leaking through.

"I don't give a shit. All I know about the job is that it will not be going to my Ivy."

"Why?" Marcus asks.

"Two reasons. First, is because that job will take up all her time. She'll stop working here."

"You're not fucking serious," Marucs hisses. "You can't just halt her career because you have a crush."

"Halt her career?" Mr Salt asks. "My dear boy, that is not my intention." His wheezy laugh makes my stomach lurch and bile burns my throat. "Had I known she already works for me, I could have helped her out sooner."

Marcus laughs, the tone mocking. "I can assure you, Gareth, there is no possibility that Ivy will do what you're hoping she'll do in the name of a promotion."

"Oh, no? So, you're genuinely singing her praises, Kaiser? A man like you doesn't give out compliments without some persuasion and Ivy is a beautiful woman."

"The relationship Ivy and I share is completely professional. She has gained my praise through her skill and hard work alone and nothing else. I, unlike you, don't prey on the women who work for me. I certainly don't coerce them into performing sexual favours with the promise of either furthering their careers or, if that doesn't work, threatening to destroy them."

Mr Salt guffaws then stops to let out a wheezy cough. "You make it sound so vulgar, Marcus. There is nothing wrong with a woman choosing to use her body to help further her career." He emphasises the word choosing, but it just sends cold shivers running through me.

Marcus lets out a disgusted huff.

"And I'm sure, that after a devastating rejection, Ivy would jump at the chance to find another way to rise through the ranks."

"You're a disgrace," Marcus sneers. "You're seriously stopping this woman from getting a job she's worked so hard for just so she'll continue to work here and serve you?"

"Yep," he says cockily. "But now, I have what I need to get what I want from her."

Marcus doesn't reply.

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