Chapter One: The Lies of Power

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     A cool breeze stirred the blackened air and passed over a figure sat on the hill. The once abundant city, now degraded into a pile of flaming heaps in the distance. The young man, face stained with ash and tears, sat unmoving with a distant gaze on his former home.

    The fire blazed brightly against the glow of the rising sun and persisted till the next day. Unable to stand, the worn looking man lay upon the dried grass atop the hills. Silence filled his head and weighed down on his eyes until there was darkness clouding his vision.

    "Do you desire revenge?" a voice blared through the silence. Jolted by the sudden noise, the man sat up and instantly regretted it when the world began to spin. After a few deep breaths, the voice spoke again, "Would you like the power to do so?"

     The man looked around to search for the voice, but to no avail as just like before, the world was devoid of life apart from himself. In his weakened state, the man could make out that the sound belonged to a women and strangely seemed familiar. "I grow tired of your silence, young one," the woman said again with clear agitation.

    A soft chuckle escaped the man as he believed himself to be losing it. Laying back down, the now amused man responded, "What power could a disembodied voice possibly offer me?"

    Content with his answer and once more feeling the fatigue of his grief, he settled to accept the darkness once more. "Revenge is a powerful thing, young man," the woman said in what one might assume was a whisper. "Be sure to use it to the fullest of its capabilities."

   Before the man could question the strange words of the voice, a strong odor surrounded him. The pungent smell of burnt wood and blood seemed to strangle his throat, causing him to gasp for air despite his body's revolt.

   A sensation that seemed to burn his entire being blazed through his blood and made his heart stop. "Don't forget, young one," the voice spoke as his mind went blank. "You are only as strong as your emotions."

   After what seemed to be centuries of darkness in his eyes, the world returned to the way it was before. Dropping to his knees, Haimon held his throat and breathed a sigh. He began to examine his arms and hands, but found no burns or cuts from the earlier pain. A quick survey of his surroundings proved fruitless, as no woman or any life form was seen.

   The reality of what just occurred finally sunk in, causing Haimon to feel lost in the unknown. Despite the strangeness of the interaction, his mind soon began to wander to his stomach as loud growls could be heard rising from below.

    "I should go find him," Haimon spoke aloud to absolutely no one. With heavy foot steps, he turned and began walking towards the remains of a road a few miles south, unaware of the red shadow that now trailed behind.

    The sun's warm glow filled the shop as rushing salary men and women traveled in and out. The smell of fresh coffee floated through the air and danced across the faces of customers peacefully chatting. A young café worker's welcome can be heard after every ding of the door and the subtle hum of the ceiling fans fills the brief silence.

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