Chapter Four: The Lover Returns

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    Kori paced from one end of the room to the other. His secretary sparing him concerned glances once in a great while before returning to her work. 

    He had run out of papers to sign and no meetings were scheduled, leaving a very troubled man to wallow in his worries.

     "Are you sure there is no more for me to sign, Zoe?" Kori questioned the woman once more. 

The repetitive inquiry caused the normally composed worker to glare at her boss, as if to say, "Don't you dare ask again."

    Seeing that he was pushing his luck, Kori nodded and headed towards the elevators. After stepping in, Kori leaned his head back and closed his eyes. 

    A mild headache had been tormenting him since yesterday and despite burying himself in work, stray thoughts wandered to Haimon.

    A ding interrupted the heavy silence and multiple nods of acknowledgement were exchanged as other employees crowded the elevator, leaving ample space between themselves and Kori.  

    After reaching the ground floor, the wave of workers exited the elevator and veered off in their respected directions.

    Heaving a sigh, Kori wandered out the small space and towards the large glass doors that lead outside. The noise of everyone's chatter started to irritate him once more and he quickened his pace.

   "Please, just tell me he's alright?" a concerned voice pleaded, catching Kori's attention. Turning to look at the reception desk,  he's heart began to race at what he saw. 

    Standing dressed in warm clothes and straight hair was Tay Thana. Countless thoughts and hopes speed into Koir's mind as he slowly approached the upset woman.

    "Tay?" he ask carefully, afraid he was mistaken. The woman spun on her heels to face him. Her face, contorted in worry, soon turned to relief as she smiled at the man. 

    "Kori! Oh thank goodness your here," she spoke with a hand on her chest. Kori felt pleased to hear that sentence and smiled innocently at the beautiful woman before him.

    Tay hadn't changed even a little bit from the last time they met. Her green eyes, when caught in the sunlight, had bits of brown scattered about in them and her long hair looked golden in the evening light.

    The stress from the past few days seemed to be forgotten for a moment before she continued with, "Do you know where Haimon is?"

    The smile he wore instantly dropped at the mention of his brother's name. A familiar pain creep back into his chest, a feeling he had tried for three years to forget. 

Adverting his gaze elsewhere, Kori took a breath and responded with a curt, "No." 

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