Chapter Five: Who's To Blame?

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     Haimon stood, partially concealed by the wall in front of him, peering around the damp corner. A heavy rain had descended soon after sunset, making the perfect cover to search for his target.

    When he had first reached the area earlier that day, Haimon asked around about the rumors involving Celia and the mystery man. Most either refused to answer out of fear or had no idea what he was talking about.

    However, while asking an office worker on the street, she shifted her eyes, before quickly responding, "That kind of business often can be found late into the night."

    The business district was almost completely empty after standard work hours. The usual bright atmosphere replaced with darkened windows and sketchy alleyways. A cold wind pushed past, making Haimon cross his arms for warmth. 

    Diagonal from where he was positioned, were two men talking. They wore plain dark clothes and occasionally scanned their surroundings. 

    They had first caught his attention when the slightly taller man, dressed in a long black hooded rain coat, yelled scolding words at the other. After a while, Haimon decided to keep an eye on them and see what they were waiting for.

    A couple hours had passed and the two men still paced the street impatiently. Haimon had now sat down, huddled into a ball for warmth. The rain had long passed, but between the breeze and chilled moonlight, Haimon's drenched state was starting to feel uncomfortable.

    Right when his eye's began to close shut, a new voice was heard from the street. Haimon jumped up quietly, adrenaline now rushing through his veins. Inching as close to the corner as he could, Haimon listened intently.

    "What the hell is this? You call us out here just to wait for hours, then show up without even an excuse?" the angry rain coat man complained. "If it were up to me I would-" The man was cut off by a bitter laugh, piercing the damp night air.

    "You would what? Do tell, fool. Tell me, so that I may have a valid reason to end the pitiful existence you call a life." A sinking feeling descended on Haimon, as the voice sounded identical to the lady from the street.

    Feeling in danger, Haimon began to move away from the wall. Before he could get an ample distance away, a strong grip rounded the corner and pulled him out into the street. Haimon made no noise as the grumpy man from earlier roughly dragged him over to the woman.

    Now standing in front of her, the mad man's grip still clutching his shirt, Haimon decided to use this as an opportunity. 

    "Who are you?" he asked, noticing her expensive coat and shoes. The lady squinted her eyes and offered a small smirk at the predictable question.

    "The better question is, what are you looking for? It's dangerous to be going around asking about things you shouldn't," she stated as if everyone knew this. Hamion tried to pull away from the man's hold, but only received an even tighter grip as a result. 

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