Chapter Six: Love Kills All

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    Tay's morning began with a deep internet search into the disaster that desolated Haimon and Kori's hometown. 

    Though extremely dramatic articles were present on every page, there was no real story as to how the fire started or why it couldn't be extinguished.

    The puzzled woman found something extremely peculiar about that whole thing. The fire, Adriana's appearance and her current obsession with Haimon. 

    Tay admitted that she was guilty of being mildly obsessed with Haimon too, but her attraction makes more sense than a woman who only met him once.

    Then there was the fire. According to most sources, the fire broke out during the night and killed every citizen in the town by morning. 

    Apparently the flames had encompassed the entire vicinity, engulfing all occupants in smoke and heat.

    A photo of the aftermath came up in her search, showing the scorched land and crumbled remains. Black smoke still occupied the sky and the town she once saw flourish, was nothing but ruble. 

    Tension began to form in her muscles, as it physically pained her to see the destruction.

    After feeling the tension form in her eyes, Tay ripped herself away from the screen and out for some food. Before even stepping nine feet out the hotel, a sleek car drove up beside her. 

    Jumping away at the sudden appearance of the vehicle, Tay leaned down to peer through the passenger window.

    The tinted window slowly rolled down to reveal Kori, dressed in a casual jacket and glasses. "Do you have a minute, Tay?" he questioned with a gentle tone. 

    Sucking in both cheeks and squinting her eyes, Tay debated if she should just keep walking. 

However, knowing Kori, there was probably a good reason why he tracked down what hotel she was staying at. Nodding her head, Tay opened the door and stepped into the car.

    Driving down the crowded streets of the city, the two passengers sat in awkward silence. Suffocating in the tense atmosphere of the enclosed space, Tay cleared her throat and tried her best at starting small talk.

    "So, where are we going?" Kori's eyes remained glued to the road as he carefully navigated the bustling array of transports. 

    "There's a cafe nearby that serves excellent breakfast. I was hoping we could talk more then," he replied quickly while taking a sharp right turn.

    Finding it rather difficult to keep up the conversation, Tay simply nodded once more before shifting to watch the buildings pass by. After a few minutes, they pulled up and parked in front of said cafe. 

    The atmosphere of the small shop reminded her of a sea side store, with it's light blue walls, soft beige colored furniture and refreshing scent.

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