Bailey's Secret

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Chapter 1: new pyjamas

"Bailey, I think those PJ's have had it."

I looked down at myself and conceded with a smile, "You're right, Mum."

"I'll get you some new ones today after work. Do you want to come with me?"

"Yeah, sure, Mum."

Mum picked me up from school - I was nine years old at this time - and we drove to the nearby shopping centre.

We went into one of the big department stores and started looking through the boys pyjamas. I pulled a face, "They're all pretty daggy, Mum."

"Well, we could look elsewhere, but I suspect that they will be much the same."

"Yeah, they're either little kids styles - spiderman and so forth - or horrible striped grandpa types."

I was standing there frowning, picking up items and putting them back.

"Shall we try somewhere else, then," Mum said with a rather tired grimace.

"I suppose," I replied as I gazed around.

Then I spotted a sign that read 'Girls sleepwear'.

"I bet girls don't have to put up with daggy PJ's," I declared as I headed towards the sign.

"No, look at these, Mum. Girls have much better stuff." I held up a pair.

My mother walked across reluctantly and stood there as I poked around among the various items.

"Bailey, what are you doing?"

I didn't answer her directly, instead I held up a pair of PJ's and said, "Oh, these are really nice."

I turned towards her and asked, "What do you think, Mum? Do you reckon they'd fit me?" I held them up against myself.

Mum gave me a slightly exasperated smile, "Bailey, they're girls . . ."

"Yeah, I know, but what does it matter? I like them and only you and Dad will see me."

We stood there for a few moments, then rolling her eyes, Mum walked over and held the pyjamas up against me. "You'll need the next size up."

I got them off the rack and handed them to Mum with a coy smile.

"This seems pretty silly to me, Bailey," but with head-shaking and me trailing along behind, she made her way to the checkouts.

It took my father three days to notice.

"Those pyjamas are a bit fancy, Bailey."

"Yeah, do you like 'em, Dad?"

He pulled a face and I just laughed.

Chapter 2: more stuff

A couple of months later, and the weather had started to cool down.

"Bailey, go and put your dressing gown on; you'll get cold."

"It's no good, Mum. It doesn't fit properly anymore."

"Oh, show me."

"Well, I don't think it's that bad, Bailey. It would probably see you through for this winter."

"It's not very comfortable, Mum."

"I suppose it is a little tight."

Then, "Oh, of course, you don't think it goes with your girly PJ's, do you?"

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