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Chapter 1

I live by my craft: thievery, con tricks, scams, and the best of all, blackmail. As I leaned back against the bar, slowly sipping my beer, I thought that this one I was onto here, could be a real good earner, perhaps my best yet.

The club was packed. The large crowd was watching and applauding the band that was playing - Claudine and the Clamours.

They were obviously popular; they had a stall selling their CDs; they must be doing well. Oh, yes, I liked that.

Their main appeal was Claudine, the lead singer. A tall, full-bodied woman with a mass of wavy reddish-blonde hair. The plunging neckline of her dress exposed plenty of her bosom and the long slits on the sides allowed good views of her shapely legs as she strode about the stage.

She exuded an air of sensuality and sex appeal. Her large flashing eyes and generous mouth stirred the passions of the patrons, especially the men.

And I have to say that she was also a good singer with a strong, sultry voice. She was a package, all right.

I smiled to myself and wondered what the crowd would think if they knew her secret as I did.

I'd gone to school with Claudine, but then she'd been Claude, a boy just like me. Now my old schoolmate was going to have to provide me with a regular income in order to keep me silent about her past.

Chapter 2

The band were staying in a classy motel. Later that night I knocked on Claudine's door. I was a little surprised to see that she was still in her stage outfit. She recognised me quickly.

"Well, I'll be blowed, if it isn't Gary the Grub from way back when. Come in."

This was going to be so easy, but it was late and I wanted to get down to business straight away.

"You're looking well, Claude, or I suppose I should say, Claudine?"

She laughed, "That would be best."

"You also appear to be doing very well for yourself."

"Yes, the band's going really nicely."

"But I wonder what your fans would say if they knew your antecedents."

The smile faded from her face.

"I thought we might discuss an arrangement of mutual interest."

"Mutual interest?"

"Yes. You assist me with my rather parlous financial situation and I keep your secret."

She sneered, "Still the same old Grub, ay?"

"Oh, I think that I have become more refined and professional."

"Spell it out, Grub."

As I thought, easy. "Let's say that you provide me with an income of a thousand dollars a week and I keep quiet about your past."

"Blackmail," she snorted.

"If you wish. I prefer to call it . . ."

She interrupted, "Heard enough, Ox?"

Fuck! The band's big security brute emerged from the en-suite bathroom. I dived for the door, but Claudine easily pushed me back onto the bed.

"More than enough, Miss Claudine. A very clear case of attempted blackmail. I'd say probably three years inside unless he's got previous, then it could be more."

"Look, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. A mistake, a misunderstanding . . ." I was gabbling.

"Grub, you always thought that you were far more clever than you are. When I spotted you sneaking around the place, I guessed what you were up to. I told Ox and he wanted to beat the shit out of you, but I had a better idea."

"Please," I pleaded, "I won't say anything."

"You be right now, Miss Claudine."

"Yeah, I reckon."

"I'll hang around outside for a while, just in case."

"Thanks, Ox."

I tried to get up as the big man left, but Claudine shoved me down again and smiled at me.

"Grub, if you'd done a bit more research you would have found out that there are heaps of rumours going around about my gender and sexual orientation - female or male? transvestite or transsexual? this or that? The punters find it titillating. Anything you had to say would just add to the rumours."

"Oh shit, Claudine, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have . . ."

"Now, my little Grub, I always thought that you had the cutest arse in school, so let's have a look."

She ripped my shoes off and then grabbed my jeans and undies and began dragging them off me.

"Stop it, whadda doing?"

She was far too big and strong for me.
Seemingly in one movement, she divested herself of her dress. Oh, lord, the blatant sexuality of this woman overwhelmed me, despite my distress.

She was wearing some sort of special underpants and when she pulled them off and opened her thighs, a huge donger rose up.

"No, Claudine, no," I pleaded, suddenly realising what she intended, "I don't do that sort of thing."

"But I do, my little Grub, I most certainly do," she responded as she unwrapped a condom.

She was on top of me, inside me, crushing me down on the bed.

"No, Claudine, please," I cried.

"Oh, baby, I knew you would be good, I knew it. Yes, yes. Hell, I'm going to want more of this, lots more. I'm going to keep you, my sweet Grub. The band needs another roadie, a helper, and you are going to fit in perfectly."

"Oh, Claudine . . ." but my whimpers had become the sounds of surrender, my tears, the teardrops of submission.

"Oh, Claudine . . ."

A Step Off the PathOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz