Lady Ryanna

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Chapter 1

A childhoods go, I reckon I had a pretty good one.

I had a sister, Taylor, who was about sixteen months older than me and we got on very well. Sure, we had the odd disagreement (fight?), but we were actually good friends.

Our parents were frequently busy with their own affairs, but they still had plenty of time for us and they were always caring.

Has that set the scene?

Oops, not quite. My name is Ryan and at the start of this story I was a twelve-year-old boy. I was slightly smallish for my age - my whole family is a bit below average, but nothing much.

I was just graduating from primary school.

We were to have a final 'goodby function' - a lunch party and dance. The graduating students were encouraged to dress-up in whatever they fancied. It was all supposed to be light-hearted and rather silly.

One strong suggestion was that we dress as the opposite gender. The school had very progressive policies and this was one way they saw as promoting greater understanding and respect between the sexes.

Mum and Dad embraced this concept so I was going as a posh lady (Lady Ryanna) from something like the seventeenth century.

Mum and Taylor got pretty carried away. They were certainly having fun - okay, so was I. We hired all the gear from a costume shop (the clothes and wig were very elaborate) and we even had a couple of dress rehearsals. The make-up felt a bit strange on my face at first, but I soon got used to it.

Mum was teaching me how to behave as a proper lady: how to walk, how to sit, how to curtsey, to gesture and so on.

I sometimes thought that this was all a bit weird, but I couldn't help not joining in the fun.

Dad reckoned I looked great - was that a compliment?

The final function was terrific - there were some amazing outfits, though I think I was the most amazing. I had a really good time, but by the end of the day, I was totally worn out. We got back home and Mum and Taylor managed to get my dress and wig off along with most of my make-up, before I collapsed into my bed in my camisole and bloomers and fell fast asleep.

I slept like a log for over twelve hours and finally woke in the early dawn light of Saturday morning. I was hungry, I'd missed dinner last night. I went looking for life-saving sustenance.

Chapter 2

I was sitting at the kitchen table eating the last of my toast when Taylor came out.

"You look cute. Stay there," she ordered with a smile and then dashed back to her bedroom.

What was she up to?

She came back with a hairbrush and a handful of other bits and pieces.

"Taylor, what are you doing?" I demanded as she started brushing my hair.

"You'll see."

"I think you're up to mischief."

"Just be patient, my sweet sib."

She finished fiddling with my hair and began wiping my face, and then putting more stuff on it.

"Taylor, the do is over. I'm back to being Ryan; Lady Ryanna is finished."

"Oh, I think it would be nice to have her around for a little bit longer."

I sighed in despairing resignation.

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