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Sophie :

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Sophie :

Ow, ow, ow! My knee..

I have literally only been on campus for ten minutes, and the first thing I do is crash into someone. Well, technically, that person fell on me, but I still feel bad. I should probably apologise if I see him again.

Today was transition day, so there weren't any classes. However, there was this dinner thing at five p.m., which gave me an hour or two to unpack and fix myself up.

I half limped and half skipped towards the registration desk in the school vestibule, spotting a middle-aged woman sitting behind the counter. My social skills aren't the best, so let's see where this goes...

"Good afternoon, Miss. I'm looking to register for my dorm." I said it quietly, chewing on my bottom lip like a hungry dog.

Her head shot up from behind the ledge. I definitely projected her taller. But the skirt she wore was very pretty. I hung my head low, avoiding eye contact and reflecting on how judgemental I just was. You know those imaginary angels characters have in cartoons? Mine would slap me right now.

"Name?" She grunted, seemingly worn out. Poor registrar.
"Sophie Bellerose, thank you."
The desk lady picked up a binder from the shelf beside her marked S and flicked through it before pulling out a key and handing it to me.

"Alright, go up two floors, turn right, then forward, then left. That's where the single dorms are. You're room number, eh, 231. Now go." She shooed me off along with a small square of parchment before I could even say thank you. But I muttered a thank you in reply anyway. She's a nice lady; maybe she needs it.

I got assigned to a single dorm. I was hoping to make a friend though..

I made my way to the large spiral stairs, mesmerised by the carpentry and intricate detail carved into just one part of the handle. This place is huge. I let out an audible huff before climbing up the stairs, not skipping any because I felt like it would be cheating.

After I reached the top of the floor about five minutes later, I tried recapping the instructions from the lady. I think I have to turn right first.

Then forward, no left?
Yes forward.
Then left.

Once I completed following the stated directions, I came to a halt at the sight of my dormitory door. Two thirty-one were engraved in gold into the door beyond me. I opened the door to be met with an empty, vacant room. Containing nothing but a single bed and desk.

That's alright. I'll make it homey somehow.
I dropped my duffel bag on the bed, landing with a raucous thump. It was already four p.m. So there was only about an hour before the transition dinner took place.
Less time to unpack than I interpreted.

I pulled out my clothes and divided them into sections. Shirts and sweaters will go in the closet, and leggings, underwear, shorts, skirts—anything below my torso—will go in the dresser.
I spent the next half hour folding and hanging my clothing until the majority of my bag was empty.

Anything else, like my backpack and unicorn, went elsewhere.

I didn't have time to think about anything else to unpack or about what to wear. What I wore should be proper enough. At least I hope so.

I quickly pinned light pink hairclips into my hair before bolting out the door. I was in the east wing. The dining hall was in the west wing, according to the map I grabbed earlier. It was going to take fifteen minutes to get from one end to another.

I walked as fast as my five-foot-four body would go. Not running because it would be deemed speeding in a hallway. Taking greater strides than I've ever walked.

Surprisingly, there were still other students making their way to the dining hall. Of course, my brain didn't notice as I continued my fast walking.

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