Chapter 84 Extra Story Black-faced Lamb and the Moon (Middle)

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Qin Lingyue still remembers the feeling of sitting behind this big desk for the first time.

At that time, she had just driven her father away from here, watching the man who had cast a shadow like a mountain for a long time collapse and become a drowning dog, and there was a kind of calm pleasure in her heart.

Before leaving the table, my father swept a gloomy glance.

She thought to herself, it's really ugly. If I have to abdicate in the future, I can't be so rude.

The young Qin Lingyue replaced the old CEO, stepped forward with a smile, stood at the top, and supported the long black table with both hands.

She was the only person not wearing formal clothes at the general meeting of shareholders, and the two columns on the left and right were full of disapproval or distrust, and some elders were even too lazy to look at her with contempt.

Qin Lingyue said with a smile: "My father used to like this pose, I thought it was very stylish, and now I can't help but try it, it's really interesting."

The eyes of everyone present converged on her for this frivolous opening remarks.

Qin Lingyue didn't care whether their gaze was negative or not, she happily took her seat and officially became the captain of this old giant ship.

This position, sitting for seven years.

For a long time, Qin Lingyue forgot her thoughts on stepping down. She was busy repairing decks, strengthening masts, screening available sailors, sailing out to sea, and taking Qin's business seriously as her own industry.

Her piloting is always successful, so that many people equate her with Qin's, and many people admire her and gather around.

Qin Lingyue enjoys all this, rides the wind and waves, steers forward, and puts all her best years on her big boat.

Time has come to the last year in charge of the company, Qin Lingyue actually faintly noticed.

She found that she had climbed to the highest peak she could stand, and if she went further, the future would be downhill.

In front of Qin Lingyue, there are two choices.

One is to leave the Qin family, she will exit the stage as a perfect leader, and start a new challenge without any worries.

The second is to stay here and transform this behemoth. The resistance from inside and outside can be imagined.

Weighing the risks, weighing the gains and losses, she should choose one.

But Qin Lingyue still chose to stay, and the moment she made up her mind, the thought that flashed in her mind many years ago reappeared: if she was also forced into the palace, she had to maintain her dignity.

This thought is not really a good omen.

Qin Lingyue stood up with a smile, her palms rested on the long table again, and her eyes swept to both sides. Few people had the confidence to look at her, and most of them lowered their eyes to avoid them.

Qin Shaoqian, who was sitting next to the elder in the second room, had a very bright gaze, and he did not hide his pride and desire to replace it.

This time, Qin Lingyue no longer needs to play small tricks in language to attract attention. She speaks calmly and asks for the final approval from the shareholders who voted her out.

"I think I have done a good job in the past few years, at least I have done my duty and my functions have been met. Uncles and aunts, do you agree?"

There was a buzzing whisper in the silent room.

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