11) Love

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Watching him stand at the other end of the set, her breath knocked out of her throat and her hands failed to hold the coffee cup anymore

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Watching him stand at the other end of the set, her breath knocked out of her throat and her hands failed to hold the coffee cup anymore. It was becoming impossible to sit and let her team paint her face for the final touch-up that was required before she dived into the set of scripts and perform in front of the people and him.

Thanks to the empty plastic chair, she placed the cup hurriedly and ducked her head to avoid his eyes, but only if she could. She watched him walking towards her and she felt parched, her throat screaming for some water.

"Uttara mam" She jerked at the call "Are you okay? You look pale."

Uttara nodded practicing a small smile. The lady looked worriedly at her as all her efforts seemed to go in vain as her face lost its color in seconds.

"Can you get me some water?" She stuttered to her make-up artist who nodded in seconds. She realized that she was alone now and she cursed herself for sending her last resort away for something this lame. She would rather stay thirsty than in his company.

"Are you not drinking this?" She was snapped to the front as she watched him sitting on the empty chair and her cup now in his hands.

"W-what are you doing here?" She was supposed to be unaffected, yet here she was, losing control of her words.

"I was in the area." Her husband, whom she had avoided for the past few days, shrugged sipping into her drink. He hummed "Not bad."

"Vidyut" She took his name warning and he cocked a brow at her, waiting for her to continue. "This is my shoot location. You shouldn't be here."

"If I have never been here, that does not mean I cannot come." He stated and shot a quick smile to her make-up artist who returned with a glass of water for her. "Thank you for taking care of my wife."

He was too smart for his own good. Damn, doctor.

"I am glad you are keeping yourself hydrated." He pointed and continued sipping on her coffee cup, glancing at his wristwatch. "Nidhi said you finish in half an hour. Be quick. We have to go home for dinner. Mom called."

"It will take some time." Uttara nodded distastefully, mentally preparing herself to have a word with her manager who seemed to be working for her husband.

"I will wait."

True to his words, he waited patiently as the half-an-hour stretched more and she completed the scenes allotted for the day. Her crew wrapped the shots and the director waved her off being done for the day.

She could feel her muscles aching due to continuous standing and the evening sun had drained her of any energy left.

She walked towards the vanity.

"Nidhi" She called her manager and gestured towards her husband who was drowned in his world of work emails on his phone, as always.

Understanding her at once, her manager quickened her pace towards him and passed her message.

The Arrangement by ChauhanWhere stories live. Discover now