29) Punishment

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It took one moment of courage

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It took one moment of courage.

A moment of utter rage, bravery, and hope for her to leap out of her bed, yanking the IV away from her hand and running towards him. Slamming the door closed before he could step out, she pushed him against it and slapped the living daylights out of him.

Though her vision was blurry, still she could watch his face blanch to shock, later molding to anger that nowhere seemed justified to her. Her hand thrummed with the vibrations of the smack yet she used it again to hit his chest, and again, pouring out every haywire emotion he made her go through.

The despondence, the irritation, the disgust, and most importantly the heartache.

She should not just be angry, she should be wreaking havoc after everything he did.

The Shreya Thapar world knew would.

"You presumptuous, self-righteous bastard." She panted, raising her hand to slap him again but he was quick to assess her action. Catching her wrists in his hold tightly, she disarmed her anger while she tried pushing his hold away. He kept his hold on her firm yet her adrenaline did not die just yet.

"Shreya, how dare you?" His eyes flashed with fire that could scare anyone. Anyone but her. She had seen him looking like a raging bull a lot more times than she remembered.

He had the shortest temper in the entire house.

"Shouldn't I be asking this to you? How dare you?" She yelled, the urge to scream profanities at this man made her grit her molars together. "You, who do you think you are? Do you think you can pull or push me anytime you want? Who am I? A puppet who acts as per your wants, when you want, like you want, and leaves when you call the shots. One day you want me, next you don't. You think you can come and order around that you want me gone and I will follow like a petty servant of yours? Who do you think I am?"

"Damnit, you are bleeding." He held her fist firmly, inspecting the skin she had harshly tugged to get free from the IV, along with snatching the cannula, the pain never registered her until now.

"Oh, shut up." She pulled her wrist away from his hold, snaring at his care. "You think this much blood will kill me when you stab my heart each time you deem right? Nothing kills me but your actions do, Rakshit Chauhan. You kill me."

"Shreya" He called her name, treading with caution seeing her outburst but it was too late.

A lot has been done, more wrong than right.

"I don't understand you. I don't understand any of this." She rasped, blinking her tears back as the adrenaline washed off bringing her back to face the fatigue she had been feeling for a while. Mental fatigue. "Why is it always you pushing me away one way or another? I'm always either used, forgotten, or pushed away. I am replaced because I am not good enough for you. Always. Just recently I started thinking that you were trying to keep me back, insinuating something between us in your own nonsensical way, acting as if you actually want me in your life even under the pretense of this contract. I was looking forward to something, anything between us but you shattered my heart again. Each time you push me away, breaking whatever pieces I hold of us. Why? I have always tried putting myself above you, above everyone so that I don't end up hurt but it is me who ends up getting wounded the most. Every. single. time. For the entire world I am a selfish bitch who wants her well before others, but why shouldn't I? I am trying to protect myself because I know there will be no one else...not even you."

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