13) Thief

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She was chaos or was she creating one? That was hard to differentiate

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She was chaos or was she creating one? That was hard to differentiate.

Seeing her clothes, accessories, shoes, a heap of scripts, contract files, unwrapped makeup products, and whatnot lay around scattered all over his room. She was searching for something or messing up the place one could never bifurcate. His once-organized room looked hit by a tornado.

And, he could name it Uttara.

But the mess was not what irked him, it was the constant frown and constantly moving eyes that didn't rest for a moment. Her frantic search for her so-called treasure was annoying him and adding her ignorance to his presence.

Uttara, the girl he has been married to for the past 8 months had never ignored his presence in the apartment they together have grown to call home. The minute he would step in and all her attention was on Vidyut and what he does. She would fawn over him, wherever he goes, whatever he does, watch him, and initiate talks.

Somewhere he was used to her attention.

So much used that her ignorance felt like the death penalty.

His will to wait for her to notice his presence in their room shattered and he straightened from leaning against the wall. He threw his suit jacket in her sight and she threw it away like all her clothes which now lay more on the floor than they were in the closet. He glared at the back of her head and tried again placing his laptop bag in her way of rampage which soon lay upside near his pillow at the far end of the bag.

His glare froze on her face as he yanked her to face him.

"What crawled up your ass and died?" His words met widened eyes and gaping lips.

Her eyelashes moved fervently. "You...are back?"

"No, I am still on the way." He rolled his eyes.

Her lips puckered at the mocking and those beady eyes lost their search resting on his face. "I lost them."

"Who?" He frowned.

"My favorites. I am going to sue the maid." Her blabber met his squinted eyes which she royally ignored, again.

"Uttara." He called her name with an underlying warning to elaborate which her humming refused to catch. He sighed giving up. "You lost what?"

"I had them for 4 years, how could she misplace them?" She cried and his brows furrowed more. "I have checked everywhere but I can't find it. I need them, Vidyut."

"I am a doctor, not a mind reader, darling." He passed her a tight smile "You need to work out exactly what you are talking about for me to understand."

"You are so insensitive." She shrugged out of his hold and sat with a pout. Her eyes turned sad and he feared that the waterworks will be following her quickly. "I lost them and you are not helping me. Instead, you are making fun of me."

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