Epilogue Part 2

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Uttara's Anniversary post for Vidyut ⬆️

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Uttara's Anniversary post for Vidyut ⬆️

Uttara's Anniversary post for Vidyut ⬆️

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2 months after their wedding...

Rakshit stirred, the morning light filtering through the curtains, casting a gentle glow upon the room. The world outside was still, as if holding its breath, allowing this intimate moment to unfold. His eyes fluttered open, adjusting to the softness of the sun while she lay there. Cocooned in his embrace, her form moulded against his chest blocking any amount of light ready to snatch her precious sleep. Her hair, a cascade of midnight silk, spilled across the pillow, framing her delicate features. His fingers weaved through them as he marveled at the curve of her cheek, the flutter of her eyelashes against her skin. She was a masterpiece-a symphony of vulnerability and strength.

"Shreya." He called her name gently, letting her know the world was ready for a new day.

Her breathy protest came rhythmically, a lullaby that whispered secrets only he could hear. Each exhale brushed against his skin, a tender promise of shared dreams and whispered desires that they shared together.

"Jaan, wake up." He traced the contours of her shoulder, the curve of her spine, committing every detail to memory. The warmth of her body seeped into his, melting the boundaries between them. "We need to get back to packing and leave."

"You do it." She mumbled shifting closer, her fingers clutching to his arm as she decided to ditch her pillow for him.

Outside, the world might spin with chaos, but here, in this quiet comfort of their room, time held its breath. He wondered what dreams danced behind her closed eyes-perhaps a garden of forgotten wishes or a tapestry of shared memories.

"I will but for that, you gotta let me free." He pressed a kiss to her forehead grinning, tasting the sweetness of sleep and breathing into her scent mixed with sweat and a reminder of their last night.

"You are so annoying." She complained, nuzzling closer, seeking refuge in his arms. And in that fragile moment, he knew-he could forget the world for her. "Sleep and let me sleep too."

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