The Outlaw's Daughter

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The hot Texas sun was setting as he made his way back into the old, dusty town. He had been out since early that morning trying to track down the man who killed Arthur Brown , the town's most prosperous rancher. The sun had been blistering hot, and it was a relief to Wayne that the temperature began to cool.

Slowly walking back towards town, he heard a twig snap. Turning around in the saddle, he saw someone run back into the trees. Turning his horse around, Wayne went after who ever was hiding in the trees. When he reached the edge of the trees, he jumped off his horse to chase after the figure. Up ahead he could see someone running. Dark pants and a button up shirt. It couldnt possibly be the man who killed Arthur could it? Wayne swiftly closed the distance between him and the unknown man, these trees were known as a favorite hideout for thieves and killers.

The younger looking lad tripped on a limb, and Wayne was on him, giving him no chance of escape. As they fought, the other man's hat was whisked away, revealing long, beautiful, brown curls. Wayne's breath was taken from him as he gazed down at the man he had apprehended. Wayne was in awe. He couldn't believe that this was his killer. There in front of him was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. He got to his feet and took a few steps back, and took in the scene. Wayne couldnt see what a beautiful girl like her would be doing out in the woods this time of day. It was dangerous, especially if you were a girl.

"Who are you?" Wayne asked.

"Andy." The girl replied softly.

"What are you doing out here, Andy?" Wayne asked curiously. Andy didn't answer. She was too afraid. She had wanted to save this man from her father and his men, but she didnt want her father to get killed. She knew from a young age what kind of man her father was, but that didn't mean he didnt love her or her mother. That was, before her mother died. Andy had only been a diversion, something to get the sheriff's attention away from her father and his men.

Her life hadn't always been rustling, stealing, and killing, She remembered when her family was a normal, happy family. Her father and her brother would go out and spend the day hunting in the woods, and she and her mother would spend the day baking and sewing. Her father had been a young, wealthy rancher, with a wonderful wife and family. But that all changed. When her father had been called out to California on business. Just days after he had left, their ranch had been ambushed by outlaws. The cattle had all been taken. Her brother had been out hunting and heard the gun shots, had run back to the house as fast as he could. Her mother was on the porch in a heart beat, and then back again.

" Andria! Run!" her mother yelled. She was afraid then, and ran out the back door, and through the woods. She found her brother, and he ran back to the house. She remembered how she begged him not to go, but he was determined and he ran back.

Justin busted through the front door, and saw his mother surrounded by a bunch of men. He didn't hesitate, he shot two of the men as quick as he could, but a third shot him in the chest. Justin fell to the floor, blood oozing from the wound. He could hear his mother's screams as his vision faded black. He was dead before his head even hit the floor.

A few hours later, Andy heard the last gun shot. That was it. Her mother was now dead too. There was soon smoke in the air. It was overpowering and drove Andy to the river. There she stayed for three days, sleeping in the hollow of a tree, waking up screaming, reliving the events that took place since her father had left them.

When he finally came home, Carson found his house black and burning. His whole life was gone. His whole family was missing, probably all dead. The business deal he went to California for, was a lie. He left and now everything he'd ever owned was in a black burning heap, where his house used to be.

As he rode closer, he could see where the raiders had tied their horses. There must have been about eight of them, all tied where his porch used to be. He got off his horse slowly, as the tears welled up in his eyes. Slowly, he made his way to what was left of the front steps.

"Lizzy!" he yelled for his wife. "Justin! Andy!" he yelled over and over as the tears poured down his checks. Andy could hear her father. She ran to him when she could see his figure standing next to the burning pile of ash. Her dress was torn and dirty. She was a mess, but she was alive.

Andy remembered back to those days, and tears prickled at her eyes.

"Andy?" said Wayne. "Andy, whats wrong?' she snapped back from her day dream, and wiped the tears from her face. How could she let her defenses down like that? Her father would not me amused if he ever found out. Andy quickly jumped to her feet, knocking heads with the young sheriff.

"I have to go." she said quickly, then ran to where she had left her horse. She jumped in the saddle and was gone faster than any woman Wayne had ever known. Andy wasn't like other girls. She was different in those dark riding pants and men's button up shirt. She was different all right, but yet, Wayne liked her, more than just any other girl.

Wayne rode back to town in a daze. He had started out the day looking for the killer of Arthur, and found some girl in the woods. He had made up his mind. He would go looking for her first thing in the morning. They hadn't even talked long, and he already wanted to get to know her. There was something about those big brown eyes that made him want to know more. She was hiding something, down deep, something personal and important. Wayne hoped that he would be able to reveal this about Andy.

What had gotten into her? Andy shook her head and kept her horse at a trot back to the camp. She had only wanted to get him to take a different route to town. If she hadn't done so, his dead body would be laying at the bottom of the river by now. Andy was tired of all the unnecessary killing her father and his men had been doing. She wanted this life to stop. She wanted a normal life, with a family of her own, but that's not what her father wanted for her. He told her often, that with a face like hers, she could have all the rich guys eating from her hand, making it easy for her father to get his way. Andy did not like this. Often times, she was the decoy. The men would fall for her charming ways, or pity her ragged clothes, and that was it. They were all gone within a matter of weeks.

Andy remembered a time, a few years back. There was a boy, he was the ranch hand for one of the ranches they had planned to take. When she first showed up on the door step of an old couples house, she had thought that it would have been easy, a two week job, but Ray got in the way. Instead of winning the affection of the elderly couple, she ended up with the affection from Ray. They spent countless nights out under the stars talking and whispering. When he first told her that he loved her, her heart skipped a beat. She had never felt these feelings before and she planned on feeling them the rest of her life. The two week job ended up taking months.

When Carson found out what she had been doing all this time, he was furious. It was different from the regular raid. Carson had Ray hung from the rafters of the barn, along with the elderly couple. He made Andy watch as the life slowly drifted from his body, and it killed something deep inside her, and there was no way that she could ever get it back.

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