Chapter 8

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Andy spent the next couple of days adjusting to the lifestyle of the Collin's family. They woke early in the morning, Dr. Collins spending his morning in the infirmary, and Rose, spending it making breakfast, which the Doctor took at his desk. Rose loved the company she had so recently been blessed with, and she didn't hesitate to make it known to all. The women would eat breakfast in the kitchen, then head straight into the household chores. Andy would do whatever she could to help rose, as she felt greatly indebted to their kindness. By noon, the dishes were done and the laundry was hung. The Collins' took their afternoon meal to the small café' across the street so Andy was able to make an appearance. Rose was beaming with Joy as the elder couple showed off their guest to the town. Andy couldn't help the color that flushed her cheeks as she could hear the whispers roaring. The whole town went crazy with the news of the Doctor's guest.

When the doctor left the women again to return to his work, Rose took Andy on a tour of the town. "Here is our general store." Rose started, "it's also our mailing post and livery, though he keeps the horses out towards the edge of town. His son keeps them, see the barn down the street? Nice horses." Andy looked trying to keep up with all the information. "The saloon is also down there, no need to examine it closer, it's no place for a lady." They turned and headed back the direction they had come, pointing out a few more buildings and 'so-and-so's' house. Andy couldn't help but lose focus on what Mrs. Collins was saying, she was distracted by the tall fellow walking towards them, face mostly hidden by his hat, but Andy knew who was behind the brim, even if they had only met a few times. A smile soon took over her lips. Rose glanced at Andy, realizing she had lost the young girl's attention. Noticing the smile, she followed Andy's gaze to Wayne coming down the street. A smile grew on Rose's face too.

"I came to give Andy a tour of the town, but Matthew told me you had already seen to it," he said smiling to Rose. Wayne reacted to the Collins in a strange manner, Andy couldn't quite decide why. Did he also feel indebted to the Collins?

"You may take over where I left off sheriff, though I can't say I left you too much. The church and your office I suppose." Rose offered kindly. Wayne turned to follow the women down the street. "I need to check in on Matthew anyway." Wayne accompanied the women back to the Doctor's house. And then continued the remainder of the tour without Mrs. Collins.

"I brought your horse into town with me today, I've already talked with Doc., he says its alright if you keep him in the stall behind the house." Wayne lead them down the streets of a little town all the signs called Silver Creek. A small town, where nothing happened, no wonder the talk was all about her. Wayne pointed out the church building, not that she could miss the tall white structure. It was placed not far from the sheriff's office, as she could see her horse tied to the rail out front. She smiled when she saw the creature, glad that she hadn't lost her loyal companion in her life changing escape.

Wayne led her into his office. He needed to talk to her. Wayne walked over to the stove, grabbed two cups off the shelf, and poured the coffee. Offering a seat to Andy, he took one for himself at the small table in the corner of the open room office. He ate so many meals at this table alone, he couldn't count.

Picking up the second cup, Andy sat down in the chair closest to the door. She noticed the sheriff chose the seat with the view of the door. A trait she had noticed was like her father. Fear crept into her thoughts. She wondered what her father would do if he found her here. She didn't want to find out. She watched as wayne swirled his cup around in circles on the table's worn surface.

Wayne took time to gather his thoughts. "Andy, what happened?" she tried to think of a reasonable lie, but knew he wouldn't believe it "wayne, I.." she wasn't sure what to tell him.

"if someone did this to you, I can help." His statement brought her to tears. No, he couldn't help, he didn't know what kind of man her father was, and he needed to stay away from her, or the same thing that happed to Roy would happen to him too. Quickly, she rose to her feet, rushing out the door. Untying the lead to her horse, she fashioned a set of reins, grabbed his mane and swung in the middle. Her dress bunched on either side of her legs. She was so accustomed to men's pants she didn't know what to do with her new attire. The sheriff met her on the front porch. "andy, we need to talk." She wasnt listening to him. Turning her mount towards the street, she sunk her heels into his sides and was off before Wayne could object further.

Rose had been on her way to invite Wayne to supper, and watched Andy's reaction to what the sheriff had said. Boy, he had a long way to go to tame this wildcat she thought to herself. Wayne had made it down the step and to his horse when Rose had gotten there, ready to take after Andy. What was this crazy woman doing? Broken ribs and all! Rose placed a hand on wayne's arm as he tightened his cinches. "if you're planning on following that girl, I suggest you put that notion out of your head at need to give her some space after all shes been through." "I cant even get her to talk to me Rosie." He said irritated, snapping his cinch tight. "why don't you give her some time. Im sure she will be back for supper, and you can try talking to her again at our supper table." Wayne accepted the offer to dine with the Collins' family. He had made it a habit since he moved back from his and Emily's ranch. After selling the land, wayne had the money to reconstruct a house on his father's ranch. The land Wayne had grown up on. He reckoned he wouldn't ever move. It seemed he spent most of his time in town, but couldn't bring himself to purchase a plot in town. No, he was going to stay there, whether or not he ever had cattle again.

Andy wasn't sure what she needed to do. She needed time.the sheriff afterall, was still a stranger to her.a stranger she couldn't get her mind off of. The thought of her father finding out wayne had helped her brought pain to her chest. Everyone who had ever been kind to her, her father had brutally killed. Tears streamed down her face as she urged her horse to continue his impatient speed.

She always felt that riding calmed her nerves. It had been her only escape for so many years, and even out from under her father's control, it still brought her peace of mind.slowing her horse, Joey to a walk, she headed back to town. Not wanting to worry the Collins, and knowing the hour must be getting late by the growling of her stomach.

Wayne rode his horse the short distance to the Doctor's house, fulfilling Rose's request to join for supper. Wayne gazed behind the house as he rode and spotted the golden gelding eating grain in the stall of the Doctor's open faced barn. He used to keep a horse out behind for house calls, but now rents one from the livery when he needs to make a call. Wayne dismounted his horse and tied him to the rail. Catching the eye of Andy through the crack in the curtains, he paused and smiled. The still ever so naughty horse of his took the opportunity to nudge Wayne stiffly behind the knees, causing wayne to fall with a loud clamor onto the porch. Rose had the door open instantly, revealing to the others the insident. "that dumb horse again." Wayne said as he picked himself up off the ground. Brushing himself off, he heard giggling. Looking up, he say Andy covering her smile with her hand. Color flashed across his face. This horse has shown him nothing but a fool to her.

The group made their way inside for supper. Andy hurried to finish setting the table as Rose brought the meal from the oven. Taking their seats, Matthew sat at the head of the table, Rose to his right and Andy to his left. Wayne took the seat across the table from the Doctor. The meal was one of his favorites that Rose made; Shepard's pie. He tried to carry on a conversation with the doctor, but too much of his attention was wasted on trying to understand the woman seated to his right.

Rose picked up on this quickly, as women with a plan usually do, and began quizzing their new houseguest. "Andrea, is that a family name? your Mother's?" the question startled Andy from her mindless daydreaming. "No." and said, clearing her throat softly, "My father named me, my Mother's name was Elizabeth." "was? You mean she is passed on?" Rose asked as delicately as she knew how. "she died when I was quite young, her and my brother. In a.. house fire." Andy shared her information carefully. Fully aware that she had the sheriff's full attention. "and your father?" rose continued. "He is... Gone." She hoped her answer was vague enough not to reveal her father. Satisfied with the answers she had been given, Rose continued her quizzing. "where are you headed to that you found yourself in our little town?" "I'm not sure." Answered Andy honestly, as she hadn't planned any farther than her escape.

Andy thought it time to ask a few questions of her own. "how long have you been sheriff?" she asked Wayne. "two years. I'm still kinda recently moved back to the area." Rose turned quickly to Wayne, surprised that he was also sharing. "what caused you to move back?" Andy asked eager to know the mysterious sheriff's story. Wayne looked at rose and then to the Doctor as if asking permission. "my father passed away, I moved home to manage his ranch." Rose gave Wayne a pained smile, and the doctor turned his whole attention back to his plate. Wayne didn't talk about Emily, and he didn't think andy need know.

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