chapter 6

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Wayne knew that his encounter with Carson had been one in a lifetime. Next time he met with carson, he wouldn't be so lucky. Had the rifle not of been empty, he wouldn't be here today, organizing an ambush on carson's gang. John and wayne now gave out the orders to the men. The plan was to surround the valley, trapping carson and his men in the bottom. Wayne and john took the side closest to the offending cattle thief and waited for the others to get into position.

Wayne could hear carson yelling about something, but he couldn't quite make out what it was. He was clearly upset about something and wayne figured his temper was far from improving after he realizes what was going on. Carson and his men where now mounted, ready to ride out of the camp. John signaled to wayne that the men were ready, and wayne made the first move.

Wayne stood behind a tree, pointed his riffle and plucked off one of carsons men. With a yell, the man fell to the ground, spooking his mount out of the valley. The gun shot echoed loud in the valley and the stolen cattle reacted. Soon a thunder of hooves could be heard throughout the valley. Men began to stand and fire off shots at Carson's gang, now following the stampede of cattle. As the rifles cried out, carson's band of thieves fell from their fleeing horses. Plucked off one by one, like a child picking the petals of a flower.

The element of surprise was beginning to wear off, and soon bullets began to sail in both directions. Wayne crouched behind the tree he had been using as cover to reload. Tree bark rained down on him as he continued to reload his firearm. A yell broke his concentration. Alarmed, wayne looked around him to find, John's hand covered in blood, covering his right shoulder. Wayne quickly finished his reloading and returned shots to the men still in the valley. The numbers were dropping in the valley, and a quick glance confirmed John wasn't the only one injured.

Returning his attention back to the valley, wayne fired shots as the last of carsons men left the valley. The men who had come to help wayne began gathering. He decided to see if John was alright. "What do you have there?" wayne asked, motioning to john's arm.

" I reckon at least a scratch." Answered john as he peeled his bloody hand off of his wounded arm. With john's hand removed, wayne could see how bad the gun shot was. Wayne drew closer to inspect the wound. "clean through." He said, "doc will just need to bandage you up. I think we better get these men in to see the doctor." Wayne helped john on his horse and the men headed back to town.

Andy sat as she watched the doctor's wife, Mrs. Collins, lay down dress after dress on the kitchen table. That was all the farther the doctor had allowed her to travel. She had tried to tell him that she didn't need to be confined, and that she had rode into town horseback, but he wouldn't have it. She wasn't sure if she would ever be allowed to leave. Maybe when wayne got back.. her thoughts caused her heart beats to increase rapidly. If he got back. Her worried thoughts were wiped from her mind as Rose cleared her throat. " are you alright my dear?" Rose asked with worry in her eyes. " you look to not be feeling right, do you need to go back to the infirmary and lie down?"

Pushing aside her thoughts of wayne, Andy continued her conversation with Rose. "sorry Mrs. Collins." She said. "I was just daydreaming, I really do feel fine."

"Now ive already told you, call me Rose." Rose continued laying out dresses for Andy to choose from. They had settled on a few plain dresses. Andy's favorite being the dress in yellow fabric. Light, pastel color that when held out in front, made her beautiful brown curls stand out. "This was my Emily's favorite." Rose said with a sad smile.

"then you mustn't give it to me." Andy protested.

"nonsense." Smiled Rose. "it would be a shame to leave it hanging in the closet for the rest of time. I insist." Andy sat the dresses down, and recruited Rose to help her into s blue calico dress that she had chosen from 'Emily's' closet. Andy was thankful for the help, she hadn't realized how stiff everything was becoming. The needed movement when dressing caused her much pain, and was much more manageable when Rose could at least fasten the back.

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