Chapter 10

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Andy's jaw dropped at what she was hearing. Had he just tried to call her Emily? She watched as he quickly departed. Carefully closing the back door, Andy placed the already extinguished lantern on the kitchen table and climbed the steps to her bedroom.  As she ascended the stairs, she could see the golden light from a lantern shine under the door of the Doctor and his wife. The top step creaked under her weight, and the lantern light soon went out.  Rose must not have wanted her to know they were waiting up. Andy opened the door to her room- Emily's room, and went to the window. From the window she had a view of the main street of town. She looked across to the Sheriff's Office, a lantern still burned there and the glow could be seen through the window. Andy didn't have to wait long before a figure darted out of the office. John was heading home to his family. She remembered back to the words that Wayne had said "I'm what's left." Her thoughts brought her sadness, yes, her and the sheriff must be quite similar after all.

Wayne calling her Emily had an effect on her she wouldn't ever admit, and she was determined to find out all she could about Emily and Wayne. She closed the curtains and began to undress. It was a painful task considering her state, but with tears in her eyes she was able to get out of the dress she was wearing and put on a loose fitting night dress. How strange these normal women's clothes felt to Andy. She had been wearing men's trousers from the start of her Teenage years, she had forgotten what dresses were like. Beautiful and elegant, but not practical for a horse rider. Pulling the covers back, she eased her tired and sore body into the bed.

 She lay there almost asleep before she heard it. She couldn't mistake the sound of gunfire for anything. As fast as the shots were fired, she got out of bed and ran to the window. She wasn't the only one to hear it. The pounding of feet and the sudden illumination she could see coming from the window of the room next door confirmed that the Doctor had also heard it. Peering through the curtain, Andy could see Wayne mounting his horse. She prayed for his safety, a new concept for her, as he hurried rapidly towards the saloon. She could hear the Doctor running down the stairs and Rose saying a prayer of her own. Andy threw her bedroom door open in time to rush down the stairs with Rose.

Wayne knew it was only a matter of time before he would need to be at the saloon. Town was usually quiet and peaceful, but when men gather together to get drunk and play cards, it makes even the best of men wicked. Mounting his horse he rode to the saloon. Cautiously taking in his surroundings, he never knew what kind of problems awaited him. A chair had been thrown out the saloon door, and now lay in pieces. a bloody, but still moving lump lay beside it. Another man, stood just outside the door with a pistol in his hands. The man was rambling on about drunks and cheating in a slur that said to Wayne that the man with the gun was as drunk as the offender. Slowly, the man aimed his pistol at the bloody heap who had now made it onto his knees. Not hesitating, Wayne took his own pistol from its holster and shot at the gun toting drunkard. The pistol flew from his hand, and the man stumbled back. The man let out a string of profanity in his drunken slur, and soon more men with guns were on the porch of the saloon. The bleeding man had taken the time given by the sheriff to flee the scene. Wayne dismounted and found cover behind a stack of flour barrels. It had been quite some time since he had been greeted at the saloon with such fanfare. "Throw your guns down, this is the sheriff you're shooting at" he told the gang. "We ain't got no need for a sheriff!" The drunk Wayne assumed was the leader yelled back. Just then Wayne was showered with bullets. One finding itself narrowly missing the crown of his hat. Wayne peeked over the top of his barrel and took a shot at one of the assailants. The target let out a groan and fell to the ground. There was still about five more hiding along the boardwalk of the saloon.

Looking down the street, he saw a shadow sneaking up to him. John must have heard it too. more shots rang out, this time Wayne aimed for the man peeking through the saloon window. His pistol echoed through the night. he watched as another man fell to the floor. That's one thing he had over the drunken gang, he had his wits about him, and was deadly with his aim. John was now close enough to take a shot and dropped a man crouching behind the corner of the saloon. "Looks like you're having quite the night." John said to Wayne. "Your date that boring that you had to start a gunfight?" "very funny. You know how to use that thing?" Wayne asked as he pointed to John's Gun. John gave out a half hearted laugh and joined Wayne behind the barrels.

The effects of the strong liquor was wearing off as the outlaws began to realize the gravity of their situation. Regretting his decision, one man tried to run back into the saloon. Wayne stood and fired a shot at him, dropping him half inside the door. A shot rang out and Wayne could feel a sting in his leg. Immediately Wayne dove back behind the barrels. "You're shot!" Exclaimed a worried John. "I'll be alright," Wayne replied as another round of shots rained above their crouched figures. "There's two left. " John stood and fired off a shot. Wayne could hear as the body fell off the upstairs balcony. "One." John replied. in the darkness, Wayne could see the Gang leader try to flee down the street. Taking aim not to kill him, Wayne dropped the man. "You go collect the man, I'll go make sure all is well at the saloon. John hurried to follow the orders of the Sheriff.

After checking with the Saloon keeper, Wayne and John took their prisoner to the Doctor's office. John knocked softly at the door, and it opened swiftly to a worried Doctor, with Rose peeking over his shoulder. Matthew opened the door wider to allow the trio to enter the room. noticing the  blood, he ushered them into the infirmary. Wayne tilted his hat towards Rose, and let John lead the prisoner into the infirmary for him to follow. His eyes drifted past Rose to the face of an awe struck Andy. He smiled at her as she covered her shocked expression with her hands. He went in and closed the door.

"Rose!" The doctor yelled, "I need water!" Andy jumped into action filling a bucket of water. She locked eyes with Rose as she carried the bucket into the infirmary. Rose's small nod seemed enough to spur Andy into action. She sat the bucket beside the doctor and dampened a rag. A bullet was still stuck inside the man John had lead into the house. She carefully wiped away at the blood as Doctor Collins dug the bullet out. Wayne watched Andy as she worked with the Doctor. He didn't see her as the nurse maid type, but then he had been wrong on occasion before. The doctor had began bandaging the man when Andy finally looked his way. He smiled at her and her jaw dropped once again. She hurriedly left with her bucket of bloody water. Wayne sat grinning to himself. He didn't know he had such an effect on her! John gave him a quizzical look and then went back to observing the Doctor.

The door opened again and in Andy came with another bucket of water. This time she didn't stop to help the Doctor. She headed straight towards him. "What are you doing?" He asked as she bent down beside him. "You've been shot!" She said, her voice raising in tone. He looked down at his thigh and remember the pain. So he had. Tenderly she began to soak the bloody gash along the outer side of his leg. He had forgotten the pain until she started messing with it! His pants had changed in color surrounding his wound, making it look far worse he thought. When the doctor had finished with the prisoner, John took him over to the sheriff's office and gave him a cell. Doctor Collins looked at the wound that Andy had just cleaned and cleared his throat. "You're going to have to remove your trousers for me to bandage that one." Understanding what was meant, Andy turned red  and headed for the door with yet another bucket of bloody water. She glanced over her shoulder at him again before slipping out the door.

Rose and Andy waited for the Doctor and Wayne to enter into the kitchen again. Rose passed the time by asking about Andy's evening with Wayne. She told Rose of the beautiful sunset and Wayne's horse, she left out he part where he had tried to call her Emily. As she was retelling how she and the sheriff had to ride back together on her horse, the Doctor entered the room, followed by a stiff legged Wayne. Rose stood to receive them. Andy remained seated, hands folded in her lap, but she turned and watched Rose hug Wayne. To her surprise, he returned the embrace.  She wished she understood the situation she seemed to have walked in on. Wayne sat down at the table, each sitting in the chair previously ascribed. Wayne stayed and told them of what had taken place at the saloon. "See what I said Andy, that's no place for a woman. A woman ought not be around such gunfighters." Andy cringed at her words. Would Rose still like her if she knew she was accustomed to such 'gunfighters'? Andy sat quietly the remainder of Wayne's visit. When it was time to see him off, she stood and walked with him and the Collins family."Good night Matthew." He said to the doctor. "Rose." His gaze falling to Andy, "Goodnight again.. Andy.." He paused and nodded his hat to the household and closed the door.

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