Chapter 12

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Andy had grown accustom to the everyday life at the Collins' household. She would help rose to prepare the meals, clean up after the meals, and any odd job Rose had for her to do. She had swept many a dustless floor trying to keep herself busy from day to day. Andy yearned for a greater purpose. she wondered what the women did in town to earn an income. She hadn't had any real job before, but she could really use the money. Andy wanted to put distance between her and her father before he returned from Mexico. She knew he would come back for her, and Silver Creek was going to be the first place he checked. Cautiously, she approached Rose with the idea. "Rose, what do women do here for an income?" Rose sat at the table with a pile of the Doctor's shirts that needed mending. "there aren't too many women around these parts that work outside of their own homes." Rose's eyes were set on her work, but she knew that Andy had an idea running through her head. "If it's a job you're interested in, you could always see about the cafe or general store, sometimes they are looking for extra help." Andy pondered the information and decided she would visit both after dinner. Andy sat down beside Rose and eyed the mending before her. "would it be troublesome for you to teach me?" Andy lifted a shirt and poked a finger through the hole near the chest pocket. Rose smiled. "Of course child. after all, i believe every woman should have a thorough knowledge of all things sewing and mending."

The women spent the morning on the pile of worn clothes. Rose was impressed with how quickly Andy had caught on. She left Andy to her mending, and started on the afternoon meal. A fresh loaf of bread in the oven, she sliced a roast for cold sandwiches, and set the table. Rose left the room to take Dr. Collins his meal, and Andy quickly finished her mending and cleared the table. She left her work on the back of the Doctor's chair for Rose to examine. "Beautifully done!" Rose exclaimed when she had reentered the room, her hands running softly over the stitches Andy had made. A smile brightened Andy's face with the praise. Andy wasn't used to being a lady, but she wondered if she just might be becoming one. 

The women ate their meal quietly with little conversation, both lost in their own thoughts. When the meal was finished Andy excused herself, leaving Rose with the dishes, and headed out to search for a job. Remembering Rose's suggestions, Andy headed to the cafe. opening the door let the noise of conversation and clattering dishes escape. Andy found the environment a bit overwhelming, but she pushed on to the back of the cafe to talk to its owner. A short and plump woman stood at the stove hollering orders. Andy assumed that she must be the owner. "excuse me Ma'am, my name is Andy, I am looking for a job." Andy fumbled with her words and stood wringing her hands. The woman stopped what she was doing and looked Andy over with a cross expression. "You the girl the Doctor and his wife has livin' with 'um?" the woman asked gruffly. "Yes, and I am needing a Job. I can cook and I can clean if you need." Andy's words dropped off. She had never had a job before and was unsure how to go about acquiring one. The growly woman looked her over once more. "you can start with the dishes." Andy brushed past the middle aged woman and into the kitchen. Another middle aged woman stood in the kitchen dishing out plates of the day's special; beef stew and biscuits. The second woman smiled as Andy entered the kitchen. "My name is Linda, that was Sue you were just talking to. Aprons are over there." she pointed to a peg on the wall near the wash tub.  Andy grabbed an apron and the pot of hot water from the stove and added it to the already half full wash tub, and began to wash the dishes. Linda was kind. Andy decided it wouldn't be too bad working for Sue as long as she had Linda for company.

Sue approached Andy as she was finishing up the last of the dishes. "I could use you every day for the noon rush.Pay will be every Monday. " Thank you. I will see you tomorrow." Andy untied her apron and hung it back on the peg. The noise that had greeted Andy when she had entered the cafe had died down, and she noticed only a few people lingered in the dinning room. Andy walked out onto the dusty boardwalks of town, and looked up at the sky. The sun warmed her cheeks. It was a beautiful day. Andy found the ability to appreciate the days now that she wasn't constantly on the run. stepping off the boardwalk, she made her way across the street to the general store. Glancing towards the Sheriff's office, she saw Wayne riding back into town. she smiled and continued to the general store. She needed to pull herself together, after all, she was going to be leaving as soon as she had the money for the Stage fare. that got her to thinking. Where would she go? She needed to find a place her father wouldn't think of looking. She had a few weeks before the next Stagecoach came to town, and if she worked hard enough she might be able to afford a ticket by then.

she opened the door to the store and walked in. Mr. Evans owned the General store, and Andy could see him at the counter helping a customer. She browsed the store as she waited for him to finish what he was doing. Andy found herself before the bolts of fabric. Her hands ran across the soft textures. Admiring the selection and envisioning the beautiful dresses that could be made, Andy was startled when she heard Mr. Evans speak. "Can I help you with anything Today Miss Andy?" Mr. Evans could see her surprise. "I apologize for startling you Miss." Andy regained her composure within a second. "quite alright Mr. Evans. Yes, I am looking for a job, Rose said you might be able to help." Mr. Evans smiled at the mention of Rose. he and the Collins family had been friends for many years. "I'm afraid i don't have much need of help, but I suppose I could find some odd jobs around here you could do in the  mornings." A smile spread across her lips. "Mr. Evans, you are most kind!" her joy radiated and brought a smile also to him. "I'm glad to help Miss, I shall see you 7:30 tomorrow morning." Andy thanked the man many times as she exited the store. It was a start. Andy was so excited, she rushed home to tell Rose her good news. Rose and the Doctor were both happy when she told them of her good fortune. "Well if it's a job you want, you could help out in the infirmary when someone comes in." offered the Doctor. Andy was excited that so many opportunities had presented themselves. Her plan now seemed within her reach, yet, she couldn't help the sorrow that came along with her excitement. Sorrow because it meant leaving behind Silver Creek and her friends Rose and the Doctor, and of course, Wayne. Her thoughts always seemed to be returning to him, the sheriff she hardly knew.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2020 ⏰

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