6 - Ironic

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"I'm so nervous to see everyone at the same time." I looked at Cassie in the bathroom mirror. She and Allie are staying in my new house with me. Marjorie too.

As the amazing aunt and official godmother to that baby girl, she has her own room here. I finished setting it up the day before they arrived.

Allie and Cassie kinda have a room too. They are keeping some clothes in the dresser and closet in that room.

Which I'm kinda happy for.

I have so much space here it's crazy.

I need a dog. And a cat. And I think I want a gecko too.

"Why?" Allie raised her eyebrows, "Does it have anything to do with your ex being there?"

"And the fact you went to one hockey game and the whole world is shipping you with that kid."

I rolled my eyes, "His name is Mobius Tucker and it'll pass in like a week."

"Oh so it is about Mackenzie." Allie nodded her head.

Seeing her name in a group chat and hearing her name are two very different things.

"It is not about her." I stood up, "I am going to get Marjorie ready to go."

Cassie gave me her look.

The same one she has been giving me since we were kids.

That "I know what's really wrong but I'm not gonna say it until we're in private" look.

I ignored her and walked out of the room, down the hall, and into the little girls room. "MJ. You ready to go to the beach?"

"Do you have any toys here, Nattie?" She crawled out of the little tent in the corner wearing the pink little Dolce and Gabbana bikini I bought her a few days ago.

I shook my head at her, "We can buy some when we get there."

I went into her closet and pulled out her white cover-up. This one is just from Gucci but it has pink little flowers on it and I just had to get it.

I wasn't joking when I told Allie I was gonna spoil this kid.

We got to the beach 30 minutes later. And so far, no one was bothering me.

But I guarantee that is going to change within a few minutes.

Everyone was crowded around Allie, excited to finally meet her.

Maddie, Elliot, and you know who aren't here yet.

"Hey Allie!" I yelled over to her, "I'm gonna take MJ up to the stores."

"Don't buy too much!"

No promises.

"Come on MJ." I held my hand out.

The little girl jumped up and grabbed it, skipping along next to me.

"Are you excited to meet the rest of our friends?"

She nodded enthusiastically, "Jackson is my favorite." She looked up at me, "Not more than you. Don't tell mommy."

I smiled at her, "It'll be our secret."

We went into a small shop on the corner of the street.

Heads turned in our direction as we walked in.

Clearly noticing me.

"Is Voldemort going to be here?" Marjorie looked at me in the mirror of the shop.

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