ten; unbearable father

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AN: To celebrate 10k reads on this book already, have an early update! Pls don't forget to vote, it takes a single second and means so much to me! Love Sav x

AN: To celebrate 10k reads on this book already, have an early update! Pls don't forget to vote, it takes a single second and means so much to me! Love Sav x

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"I fucking hate these things," I curse before bringing the flute of champagne up to my lips. My eyes scan across the room to find our pack and a healthy rival pack enjoying some bonding time at a fancy manor somewhere in the country.

We do this every few months or so. Leon, the Alpha, says that it's good to have friendly competition once in a while. It helps to keep us sharp. But events like this just seem like an opportunity to show off what we have, they do the same in return. It's insufferable.

"Me too," Viola sighs from beside me, downing her drink with me. "At least dad came to apologise for going too intense at training. He seemed extremely apologetic when he saw me in the infirmary."

I roll my eyes but angle myself away from my sister. This is what he does–acts like a fucking lunatic and then apologises with his best puppy dog eyes and guilt ridden expression and Viola falls for it every time. I get it, she feels sorry for him but there is only so much of this manipulation I can take.

"He still didn't listen to your boundaries, Vi," I cut my eyes towards her. "He wasn't thinking like a father, he was thinking like an overbearing Beta. There is a difference."

"He's trying," she grumbles. "He's sad. He's lonely."

I scoff at her words. "Don't you think we're sad too? I miss mum so fucking much. But we can't express that because dad can't take it. Do you know what it feels like to have memories of her begin to dissolve because we can't reminisce? Of course you do, because he's done the exact same to you too."

Viola chews on the inside of her lip as she studies me. "He's been under a lot of stress," she nods her head once. "But I know the choices he sometimes makes aren't the right ones, despite how much he thinks he is always correct."

My eyes spot Elin and Zade as they make a beeline towards us, I straighten out my spine and mentally thank them for their presence. I can't bear talking about my father for a second more, not when I don't even feel like his child anymore.

We're merely an asset to this pack and his desire to make it the best.

"Hey, guys," Elin's dark curly hair is now twisted up into a messy bun. "How's it going?"

"Boring," I deadpan.

Zade snorts in agreement across from me, his purple-blue eyes flaring in my direction. "These things are so dry, remind me again why Leon forces us to come?"

"Because they're control freaks," I murmur before covering my lips with my drink.

Elin eyes me from across the circle and Viola glances over her shoulder. "You've been struggling with him lately?" He quirks a perfectly shaped brow with curiosity.

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