forty-three; broken trust

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As soon as Milo ran, there was no catching him. He was gone. I search the area of my territory but he's nowhere to be seen. I walk back to the house and lay down on my bed. I send off various mindlinks to him, none in which I get a reply.

I don't know how long I stayed in this position for but I know I didn't sleep, I didn't move, I barely even breathed. What the hell was that?

I shake my head when morning rolls around. My eyes are heavy and sore. I couldn't stop thinking about Milo and how distressed he was. A thousand different scenarios running through my head. What happened after the committee gathering?

After a few moments I sent him another mindlink to which he didn't respond.

Then again a couple hours later. But no luck.

He was devastated. Physically choking on his sobs. Something really bad must have happened and now guilt tips in my body when I think about how I pushed him away. But that Milo that turned up at my door last night, that's not the man I've been spending my time with. That side of Milo concerns me more than I realised.

Instead of talking, he wanted me naked. He didn't want to confide, he wanted to use me.

The thought alone hurts so fucking much.

Mates might be there for one another to take their mind off things, but not to blindly use and not think about the other person. Because he wasn't thinking about me, he was only thinking about himself.

And if he thought I was going to take advantage of his vulnerable state, then he is severely mistaken.

After my back begins to cramp up from laying in this bed for far too long, I take myself to the shower and stand there for a long period of time. Milo might be better today. I pray that he went home, slept it off and wakes up in a better headspace.

When I step out of the shower and cover myself in a towel, I grab some clothes and lay them out on my head. My hand runs through my soaked hair as I stare at the wall blanky.

Let's talk about last night. I shoot down the mindlink with another attempt. Milo, I'm worried about you. I know you weren't in a great headspace and I don't know if you need time, but I'm here. Please, let's talk.

Despite his unhinged mood, I will always care about him. I raise my hand to my lip and touch the tender flesh where Milo left his unwanted mark. It might be mostly healed but it still feels sore to touch. As if the memories outweigh the actual action.

Milo doesn't respond and it makes my heart thump out of time. I'll go over to his pack house later if I don't hear anything. He can't ignore me forever. I don't want him to push me away again and keep himself caged in his bedroom, not taking care of himself.

That has haunted me since. I never want to see him like that again.

Once I'm dressed and head downstairs, the patch between my brows begins to ache. I wish I slept but I have zero energy to even try. The smell of bacon, eggs and pancakes float into my nose. As a pack we always throw a big breakfast after a committee meeting for those who are nursing hangovers.

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