thirty-three; save her

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I stare at the kitchen wall blankly. Nate's voice in my head is blunt and sharp at the same time. Nate?

My mindlink is sent nowhere. He has his walls up and is blocking me out. Shit.

Nate! I try again but there is no use. He's gone.

He'd only shut me out if that meant whatever was going on was serious.

They're being called. Does that mean... they're on their way? I feel heat prickle my back and I stand from the counter and storm over to Everett and Reign's office. I don't think twice about knocking, I enter.

Reign is sitting on Everett's lap at their desk as I stroll in, paper and a laptop in front of them. Everett rolls his eyes at my impolite entrance but Reign smiles back at me as I storm right up to them.

"Nate's pack are beginning to be attacked." I state before Everett can shout at me for not knocking before entering. This is too important to wait. "I was just speaking to him and they said he's being called, I can only imagine that it's starting. We need to get the pack into position. We need to be ready even if they're not here yet."

I watch as Reign stands abruptly, Everett following close behind after her. He nods in my direction and follows me out of the office where we meet in the kitchen. By the look on his face, I can only imagine he's sending mindlinks to the entire pack to get them to follow the plan that they created.

Reign rushes off towards where her bow and arrow sets are kept, along with a bunch of other pack members who have become her second in command when it comes to archery. They're lethal together and I could imagine they could take out an entire pack of wolves by hiding in the trees and covering their scents so they can be as hidden as possible.

Fran and Jesse meet us in the kitchen as Everett makes sure that everyone is doing their job, the guards protecting the house and the wolves ready to get their paws and their mouths dirty–and not in a fun way.

"What's Reign doing?" I ask Everett as we walk out of the back door and towards the clearing.

I spot the pack shifting into their wolves and covering a different inch of our territory, well and truly protected. "She's going to take the archers and settle in the middle, if any wolves slip by, they're going to be there to take them down."

"Okay," I nod.

"I'm going to head North, you stay back with Fran and I'll take Jesse and the others."

My brows crease as we begin to take off our clothes with urgency. "You want me to stay closer to the house?"

Everett's blue eyes flick my way. "I want you alive. Do as I say. You don't have enough training and experience to be up front, so do as I say. Stick where Reign and the archers are, it won't be as overwhelming as up front."

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