thirty-two; new form

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Leon is stressed. That's obvious. With an attack imminent, we're focusing solely on the safety of our pack and protection. I've stepped up with Imogen to help control the chaos that is subtly erupting. Nothing like this has happened for years, not since I've been alive.

It's a learning curve for almost everyone.

I haven't seen Milo in two days. Since our training session in the clearing, we both agreed to focus on our packs and our families until this all blows over. As much as I want to see him, we've got to be careful with our time.

Yet I haven't stopped thinking about his lips wrapped around my cock.

Never in my life have I experienced something so euphoric.

It's better than anything I ever expected. Milo has a mouth of gold and I'll be dreaming about it forever. God, we moulded together as one and I've never felt so high on life.

A perfect excuse to rip these intruders to shreds and get right back to him. He's my focus, once this is done and we're both safe, I can be in the secure space of my mate again.

I've been in the library with Imogen all day, figuring out a plan for the wolves we're going to take into battle. We make a pretty good team already and I can't wait to see what we can do when we're together fighting off the enemy.

"How's your dad feeling?" I ask yet I already know the answer.

Imogen releases a morbid sigh as she places down her pen. "He's trying to act tough but I know he's worried. It's killing him knowing that he's going to sit in the house whilst everyone fights around him."

"I bet," I nod.

Her dark eyes close for a moment. "He's expecting the worst."

"They won't get to him," I reassure her. "We won't allow it."

"I know," she nods. "He's really riding on us making this work but he's trying to be too controlling."

I breathe through my nose sharply. "That's Alpha's for you."

Imogen flashes me a sympathetic smile but it's for herself than anyone else. She grabs her pen and gets back to work again, finalising our plan.

I slump back into the chair. Still thinking of Milo. I will never not be thinking of him.

Everything okay over there? I ask through the mindlink.

Yeah. His response is immediate. Just making sure we're all prepped and ready to go.

I stay silent for a few moments. How are you feeling about it?



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