- Exploring Together -

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The Messenger of Allah (S) has said, "There is no foundation that has been built in Islam more loved by Allah, (The Greatest and Noblest) than marriage."

Luth's PoV

Messing around with Omaiza has brought a smile to my face. Whenever we were close, a surge of excitement pulsed through me, making it a challenge to resist the urge to lean in and kiss her.

Strangely, I felt a twinge of unease when she chose a different room. Deep down, I grasped the need to respect her space, especially considering the burdens she carried. I had no intention of being pushy; that wasn't my style. Despite the distraction her beauty posed, I kept reminding myself to remain patient.

I sprawled across the bed, not bothered by the chill in the air and my bare chest exposed. Laughter bubbled up inside me once more, and my thoughts drifted to Nylaa.

As I lay there, the memory of Nylaa resurfaced. A trace of concern niggled at me. Is it necessary to share these thoughts with Omaiza? Probably not. However, how didn't I know about those unnoticed emails from Nylaa?

The next morning, the soothing call to prayer, the Adhan, played on my phone, gently rousing me from sleep. A soft knock on my door followed, and I quickly put on a T-shirt before opening it, mindful of Omaiza's presence. "Hey Zawj, good morning," I greeted her with a smile.

"Good morning, Lut," she replied, her voice carrying a sense of calmness.

Together, we stood side by side, embracing the tranquility of the pre-dawn hour. Our hands rose in supplication, our hearts syncing with the rhythmic recitation of prayers. The act felt intimate, a silent conversation that transcended words.

As the sun began to cast its gentle glow upon the world, signifying the conclusion of our prayers. Omaiza's smile lingered, an unspoken acknowledgment of the shared spirituality we had just experienced. With a nod, she retreated to her own space, her presence leaving a gentle imprint on my morning.

As time went on, we found ourselves planning breakfast together. "Want to go for breakfast?" Omaiza's eyes lit up, clearly excited about the idea.

"Sure," I replied, feeling a surge of anticipation for our meal.

Later, I headed to the apartment's gym, my determination evident in each step. The weights became a way to channel my focus and effort, much like the path we were navigating together.

Even though we had separate rooms, our connection ran deep. It was like an unsaid promise, a shared responsibility to look out for one another. Omaiza's genuine concern acted as a comforting reminder that we were in this journey together, each decision made with care and understanding.

In the beginning, our interactions felt like a delicate dance, a rhythm of understanding and consideration. I had a strong desire to make Omaiza comfortable, to ensure that she didn't feel the need to be cautious around me. It was a journey we were undertaking together, and I felt a deep commitment to building an atmosphere where trust and ease prevailed. Our shared path was guided by the intention to create a space where we could be ourselves without hesitation.

After breakfast, we decided to head to the grocery store.

Omaiza glanced at me and asked, "Are you a fan of spicy food?"

I grinned, keeping it light. "Yeah, I enjoy a bit of spice, but nothing too crazy."

Her nod felt like a little secret between us. "Oh alright."

The store felt brighter with her company. Our hands brushed against each other as we reached for things, sending a tingling feeling.

"How about some fresh herbs?" Omaiza suggested with a smile.

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