-A new promise-

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                  (SURAH AL-ANFAL:30)

Omaiza's POV

Today is Mahira's engagement with Zaid.

Earlier, I helped Mahi get dressed in her room. When we got to where we needed to be, she immediately joined her cousins.

Guests soon pour inside, filling the space. I excuse myself and go to my room. It's too early for me to face everyone. I want to go back to how I used to be, but I can't. Not right now. It's better to stay here right now.

My mind wanders, taking up some time. I barely notice people entering and leaving my room.

"Omaiza, if you're done daydreaming, I have to talk to you." Yasmin's voice breaks me away from my thoughts. I give her a nod of approval. "People are asking for you. If you're done grieving over your shameless memories, get your makeup and hair done and come join us downstairs." Anger boils inside of me. No, I can't let it take control over me. I don't want to cause any drama - at least not today.

Abba always tells me, "Kill people with your patiences and kindness, not with anger." I still live by that. I will not let Yasmin's words affect me.

"I'm not following you downstairs. Nor am I going down without my hijab and no makeup," I reply monotonously.

She scoffed at me. "You still have that nasty attitude of yours. Can't let that go, huh? Especially after all that happened to you? I thought people changed" Yasmin aunty with her hideous tone "I want to be alone. You're testing my patience, Yasmin aunty." I look away from her. She's taking the last bit of respect I have left for her. "Yeah, yeah, of course. You'll be left alone for your whole life. Who is going to marry a no more virgin girl? The girl who has been touched isn't going to be accepted by anyone," she spat at me. "Don't you get it?" "Yasmin aunty, get out of my room. Please. Only Allah knows best. My future is not up to you to decide. Men in their right minds will realize that women like me, who have been harassed, didn't deserve it," I scowl. "Don't you dare speak about me or any other woman like this. You're a woman and a mother. What would you do if this had happened to your daughter?" Yasmin aunty stares at me, shocked by my sudden outburst. I laugh dryly, "Leave. You're getting under my skin."

Take deep breaths, Omaiza. You do not need to get too riled up. Aoothbillahi minashaitanir rajeem.( : O Allah, I seek refuge in You from the accursed Satan)

"Yusra is my daughter. She's just like me. She knows how to protect herself. She isn't weak like you." Her lips curl up, smiling sinisterly. "Maybe you got this trait from your mother." "Shut your mouth," I scowl. "My ammi was the best woman in the world. Allah takes only those whom he loves." Tears well up in my eyes, threatening to spill. "Is this what Omar has taught you? Don't you dare speak to me like that!"

"Ammi, what is taking you so- oh. my. god!"

I groan internally. Great, more people are in my room. The door slams behind Yusra as she gasps.

"Omaiza! How dare you scream at my ammi!" She screeches. I roll my eyes. I can't take this anymore. "Ask your mother to leave. I want to be alone."

"I don't think that person harassed you. Maybe you were the one who-" "Enough, Yusra," I spit at her. "Not. another. word." A look of anger crossed my face as I stared at her. She shakes her head at me. "The truth is bitter, Omaiza. Very bitter. What will people think? Who will want to marry you? None!"

Her words hit me hard. My expressions fall.

What if she's right? What will people think of me?

"Crocodile tears. That's the only thing you can do. This is what you get for speaking to my ammi that way." I look up at Yusra through the tears in my eyes. "May Allah forgive you, Yusra. Fear Allah, sister. Fear Allah."

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