- Gentle Embrace -

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Fighting has been enjoined upon you while it is hateful to you. But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you; and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. And Allah Knows, while you know not.
(Surah Al-Baqarah 2:216)

Omaiza's PoV  
Once we entered, the manager guided us to the room. When we took a turn down a hallway, a party popper suddenly burst, causing me to jump and instinctively cling to Luth's arms. It felt oddly reassuring.

"Ya rabbi," I squealed.

"SURPRISE!" A chorus of young voices erupted as a group of guys and girls appeared. Some were familiar faces from the auditorium, while others were strangers. I stood frozen, my heart racing.

To add to the awkwardness, Luth released my hands and stepped forward.

A bouquet of roses was presented to him. Among the vibrant blooms, he singled out a single red rose.

"Omaiza," he began, holding my hands, "I may not be the perfect life partner, but I want to be the best for you." The room filled with a collective "aww."

"Let's continue, folks. Don't spoil the ambiance," Luth interrupted playfully, his eyes avoiding mine.

"This bouquet represents a spectrum of emotions, which I hope to share with you as we journey through life," he said, a spark lighting up his eyes.

With a flourish, he knelt before me. My cheeks flushed crimson. Why was he going to such lengths?

"Omaiza, will you give 'US' a chance?" he asked, prompting cheers and encouragement from the crowd. With a nervous hand, I accepted his proposal, my reasons unclear even to me.

Luth rose, his smile impossible to hide. He introduced me to his cousins and friends.

"Assalamu alaikum, beautiful bhabhi (sister-in-law)," Fathima, Luth's sister, greeted warmly, embracing me.

I returned the smile, feeling an instant connection with her.

As the guests gradually departed, the relief of solitude washed over us. Yet, I soon realized I wasn't truly alone.

Anxious thoughts swirled within me, conjuring various scenarios. I looked down at my hands, fidgeting with the hem of my gown. How had I allowed myself to get caught up in this? I felt miserable, unlovable, and tainted, unworthy of the attention Luth was showering on me.

"Omaiza? Are you alright?"

"Uhm, yeah."

"You must be tired. Freshen up before dinner," he suggested, a hint of disappointment in his voice at my unexpected question.

"Dinner?" I sensed his surprise.

"I had something planned for us. But it's alright if you're tired," he replied, his disappointment palpable.

"No, it's fine. I'll get ready for dinner," I assured him, offering a genuine smile.

In the changing room, I refreshed myself and donned a bottle green floral maxi gown. Emerging, I inadvertently caused Luth to choke on his drink.

Concerned, I patted his back absentmindedly, then quickly pulled away, mortified.

"I'm so sorry. I...I didn't mean to touch you," I stammered.

He wiped his mouth and approached me. I closed my eyes, unsure of how to react. He gently tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear, lifting my chin to meet his gaze.

"Listen, Omaiza. You're my halal, just as I am yours," he said softly, his hands cupping my face. "I know you doubt yourself, but I promise I won't make you uncomfortable in any way. I see you as someone pure and beautiful. I genuinely want to make you feel loved because I truly like you."

My stomach fluttered as he spoke, his words soothing the turmoil within me.

"I want to give our relationship a chance to fly. In sha Allah, together we can overcome your doubts and fears."

A mix of emotions swirled within me, and I felt a glimmer of hope in Luth's sincerity.

As he continued to hold my gaze, his thumb brushed softly against my cheek. His touch was gentle, like a whisper of reassurance. It was a tender gesture that sent shivers down my spine, dispelling some of my self-doubt.

I blinked back tears, overwhelmed by his genuine affection. Luth's warmth enveloped me, a shield against my own insecurities. He leaned in, his voice barely above a whisper.

"You are not alone in this, Omaiza. I am here for you, every step of the way."

His words were a balm to my wounded heart, and I felt a surge of emotion. A delicate smile tugged at the corners of my lips.

"Thank you, Luth. I appreciate that more than you know."

His smile deepened, and he reached out, intertwining his fingers with mine. The connection was electrifying, a tangible promise of his unwavering support.

"I meant what I said earlier. I want us to discover the beauty of our journey together," he said, his voice resonating with sincerity.

My heart swelled, and a newfound sense of courage stirred within me. Maybe, just maybe, this leap of faith could lead to something truly extraordinary.

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